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Thread: Coming back on Fluoxetine Side Affects

  1. #1

    Coming back on Fluoxetine Side Affects

    Hey everyone. I've been on fluoxetine previously, but I'm only just coming back on it after detoxing for a while (I got scared to take it). I spoke to my doctor about restarting it and he advised it. But I totally forgot what the side affects where; I'm now worried because I've become super-tired all the time but can't sleep much, I had a migraine the other night that was painful and I keep feeling 'spaced out'. Anyone else feel like that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming back on Fluoxetine Side Affects

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingalone View Post
    I'm now worried because I've become super-tired all the time but can't sleep much,
    Tiredness and insomnia are fairly common SSRI side-effects. Adding a small dose of the sedating antihistamine/antidepressant mirtazapine (Remeron) at night should help with the insomnia, though being a relatively long acting med the sedation may linger into the next morning.

    I had a migraine the other night that was painful and I keep feeling 'spaced out'. Anyone else feel like that?
    Serotonergic antidepressants may trigger headaches initially as they can affect blood vessel tone, constriction and dilation, but migraines are uncommon. They can also trigger depersonalisation and derealisation, however, these are also fairly common anxiety symptoms. Whatever the cause, the 'spaced out' feeling should ease as the med begins to work.

    The thing to keep in mind is that while antidepressant side-effects can be unpleasant and sometimes scary, they rarely indicate actual harm. The brain and other organs of the body affected by them usually adapt to the med within a few weeks without any long-term consequences.

  3. #3

    Re: Coming back on Fluoxetine Side Affects

    I take fluoxertine and find that bio-magnesium supplements really help with sleep and general well "feeling".


  4. #4

    Re: Coming back on Fluoxetine Side Affects

    Thank you both a lot

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Coming back on Fluoxetine Side Affects

    Hello I went back on fluoxetine last year and I did get the same side effects I got last time around. Since then I am back up to 60mg but it has done the world of good and feeling much better. I know it horrible but you just have to stick it out and you will see results in the end.

  6. #6

    Re: Coming back on Fluoxetine Side Affects

    Quote Originally Posted by Justy View Post
    Hello I went back on fluoxetine last year and I did get the same side effects I got last time around. Since then I am back up to 60mg but it has done the world of good and feeling much better. I know it horrible but you just have to stick it out and you will see results in the end.
    thank you so much, it's so nice to know I am not the only one who has been through this. I'm back on it and things seem to be okay right now.

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