
I would really like to hear from anyone who has overcome this and how they did it! I've had anxiety and panic before and am going through it again but the feelings I'm having now are new and I'm very scared. It started with my voice not sounding like mine and then I didn't really recognise myself in the mirror. I think the feelings are subsiding but I still don't feel like me. My doctor said it is depersonalization and I've started on Anafranil and am now scared that even if the symptoms go away I'll never find myself again or feel like me. It's as though I don't really know who I am any more (I mean my personality, what makes me who I am - it's very hard to explain). Do the feelings just go gradually until you don't notice it any more and you're back to your normal self? At best I feel uncomfortable with myself and at worst I'm scared to death! I feel uncomfortable speaking to people because the feelings will suddenly come over me and it's hard to pretend to be normal. I just think how can I carry on doing things when I'm not really me.

