Hey all. So, I've had a history of some reflux-type issues (which I'm positive I've also posted about). Just over the past two years, I've had tons of MRIs all over my upper stomach. I've never really had issues with bowel things until just two weeks ago. I started getting almost nonstop rumbling in my stomach, and it's still going. Seems to get worse with food, and calms down because I pass SO much gas. The gas also causes some on and off aches, though that's pretty minor and goes fast. It came out of nowhere. And now, the past couple of bowel movements I've had look more narrow than normal. Not "pencil thin" or anything, but definitely longer and more narrow. I'm already scheduled for a colonoscopy at the end of the month, since I brought up the gurgling/cramps, and my doctor has run every other test on me and wants to see if maybe he missed Crohn's.

My biggest concern here is that I'm suffering some sort of blockage in my bowels. Like I said, the pain I have is barely worth mentioning, but the narrow stools have freaked me out a bit. I had a CT in March 2016 due to an appendix scare, and they didn't mention anything about my colon. I'm also only 23, so I don't think it could be possible for it to be colon cancer, especially because I have zero family history of it. Though the thought has crossed my mind a few times, unfortunately. I think it's the stool stuff that's really got me all worried. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has experience with stuff like this, or if anyone has any positive thoughts to share.