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Thread: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    So good to hear such fantastic news well done!

    ---------- Post added at 15:15 ---------- Previous post was at 15:15 ----------

    In England when we get a dusting of snow everything seems to stand still lol I often think we need to take tips from the Americans about driving in snow

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    Thanks, Vicky!

    I live in New England, so we get decent amounts of it. As long as you go slowly and safely, it's not bad. The problem is really when other drivers are careless. Those are the people who make me nervous! I try to take my time when the roads are slippery or snow-covered and somehow there is always somebody tailgating me or trying to pass me.

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    The good - it's a beautiful snowy day where I don't have to go anywhere. My husband is home safely from work, we have a fire going, and I made Christmas cookies.

    The ehhh - Our happy dog has a growth on her neck. I noticed it a few weeks back. I took her to the vet this week because it didn't go away and the vet wasn't able to identify it. She said it was too small to biopsy, but we could either watch and see what happens or sedate her and have it removed and tested. I decided to watch and see, but now it is clearly growing more. I will call on Monday to see if we can have it removed. It will be costly, but we do have pet insurance so that's what it's for. But I'm more just worried it's something nasty. She's the happiest, goofiest dog and hopefully she is healthy.

    I feel like people and pets always get sick around the holidays in my life!

  4. #214
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    Hi swr , great news on the job front and you seem to be doing a lot better , your posts seem more positive ( haven't looked in for a bit ) when the baby does come I have all sorts of parenting advice on what not to do , my daughters say I mentally scarred them with trips to the park I remember it as character building .
    Our older dog has a lump the size of a golf ball on her shoulder , it's taken about three years to get that big and it's been looked at several times , maybe a cyst, it's only attached to her skin and doesn't bother her so at 11 years old we won't have her put under to have it removed , I've learned from my last dog some things are just best left alone , dogs get lumps and bumps not all of them are serious.
    Take care and enjoy the snow , we might have it by morning

  5. #215
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    Hi Buster, nice to hear from you I am doing better, which is a big relief. I will probably be posting all the time looking for parenting advice once the little one is here! I'm sure your girls aren't too scarred My mother used to tell us we'd write books about how "evil" she was someday.

    Yeah, I go back and forth about the lump. She's only 3 years old and dogs have a lot of weird things that they just live with. Maybe I'll just tell the vet that it seems to have grown a bit and see what she says. It is attached to her skin, I don't think it's really under the skin that I can tell. Almost looks like a wart or something growing.

    We've got about 5 inches of snow so far - enough to look pretty but not cause too much of a headache! This year my in-laws gave us a used snow blower, so that makes life so much easier as our driveway is pretty long. Last winter I noticed that all the big storms seemed to come when my husband was away for work, leaving me with the shoveling

  6. #216
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    No shovelling for you this year-you have the perfect excuse!

    Vets can tell a lot from lesions. If it's encapsulated it's always a good sign. Could you get it biopsied and then go from there? Always best to avoid anaesthesia if there is no urgent need. Fingers crossed for your lovely dog-she is young so things are in her favour.

  7. #217
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    From what the vet said, even though it's growing, it is still too small to biopsy. At the last visit, she said the next best option would be to just remove it and send it out for testing or we could watch it. But it seems to have grown a little more. It's not big, but just that it is changing is a little worrisome. But you're right, she is young so that is in her favor for sure. She is definitely still acting like herself, so regardless of what it is, hopefully it is small enough that removal just takes care of it. But I'll see what the vet says tomorrow on the phone.

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    I'd be guided by your vet because she should be able to have a rough idea of what type of lesion you are dealing with. She wouldn't let anything remotely suspicious just grow if it could be removed safely now.

  9. #219
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    So the vet took another look at her today, free of charge, which was very nice of her. She said it's still too small to do anything about. She would want to avoid having to sedate her if possible and doesn't want to do unnecessary procedures. It's also still too small for the fine needle aspiration that she could just do easily without sedation. So she measured it, told us to use a ruler and if it gets to a certain size, to come back in.

    I was still a bit nervous, as she mentioned it could be nothing or if it rapidly grows, could be a mast cell tumor, which is common in boxers (our dog is a boxer/beagle mix). She said she is very vigilant about those and was known as the mast cell tumor specialist in her previous practice, so that reassured me a bit that she wouldn't just let us go home and watch it if it was unsafe to do so.

    I feel slightly better, so I guess we will just measure it weekly and hope it doesn't change too much.

    One small frustration - I took her back today after she was seen last week because my husband was concerned it was growing and wants it just removed. He was working, so I called the vet who suggested she re-check it and we had the visit as I described above. I asked if he wanted to come and he gave me a bit of an attitude and said there wasn't any reason for both of us to go. But then I get home and give him the update, and he seemed a bit displeased that it didn't get removed today and kept saying it is growing. Part of me wanted to say "Well you should have come then instead of putting up a fight!" But decided it wasn't worth it. I'm not too upset, just needed a quick vent about it. Don't refuse to go, but then be concerned about the outcome and the questions I asked/didn't ask.

  10. #220
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do

    So last night I ended up at the hospital for a couple hours. I was having some issues and the nurse at my doctor's office thought my water might have broken (at only 28 weeks). We ended up in labor/delivery to get checked and thankfully it was not broken! Just some extra fluid that is normal in pregnancy sometimes but the nurses take it seriously just in case, as it can be similar to the fluid when your water breaks. Baby's heart sounded great, although she was so active she kept kicking the heartbeat monitor and interfering with the results. Guess she doesn't want to be monitored

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