Hi all,

I don't think it's an issue but I'd really rather get someone else's opinion on it as I don't want to ignore it and it be something serious like cancer or something! (Yes I've been on google! lol)

So for a few years or as long as I can really remember I always seem to gag in the morning when brushing my teeth.. I think it's a reaction to the tooth paste weirdly!

This causes me to cough quite hard a couple of times (not for long periods)
however most days when I do this cough I usually bring up a little bit of blood.. we aren't talking about a lot.. and it's mainly mixed with saliva

I use to think it was just from my teeth but I've been looking more and more and can't see any bleeding in my mouth.. and it does 'feel' like it's coming from further down and that it's being brought up..

I feel absolutely fine other than that, and after the cough I'm fine for the day.. don't cough anymore and no other blood that I've noticed etc..

I know people have a morning cough (presume from laying down all night)

So I guess my question is should I worry?
is the blood an issue
is my toothpaste gagging normal? anyone else have that?

Thanks in advance