Hi, I have been trying really hard not to post a new thread but it is getying the better of me.
I have been worrying about pancreatic cancer for a couple of weeks but tried looking on here rather than Dr Google! I am not complaining but unfortunately Paranoid Vikings thread has made me feel worse .I first had pain in upper back between waist and shoulder on left side about 6 months ago after what I thought was a tummy bug. I had had 2 bugs in fairly quick succession which was odd because in 40 years of teaching infants I only ever caught one. However, the pain went away and I stopped worrying but now I have it again. I thought it can't be too drastic as it went away for so long but after reading that people have it for years and it comes and goes i am scared again. I have been feeling nauseous and also have what i think is normal lower back pain. I also feel a bit fluey on and off. I know pc is difficult to diagnose so I am rather afraid of being the boy who cried 2olf 5his time and I really have something after years of worrying about breasts and thinking that ovarian cancer is the worst of my fears. Not sure if this is relevant but I have IBS, diverticular disease and type 2 diabetes.