alright guys im a 16-year-old whos anxiety started at college with violent intrusive thoughts, it went to focussing on colours etc and overthinking,sexual thoughts etc. that was just the start recently everything feels weird for me and I feel a bit detached from the outside world and have random panic for no reason which could be about anything. the thought of going outside makes me feel anxious (probably because I feel worse when I go outside so I associate it with panic) sometimes when I go outside I feel constantly dizzy, nauseous and blurred but this is not the case all the time. I feel like I'm forcing myself to do things like I forced myself to go on 6 dog walks yesterday which were longer than normal to prove I'm not scared of going outside. is this normal for someone with severe anxiety? I also feel no motivation to do anything. ( i can still do everything and am trying to keep a strong mindset) most of this panic is centralized around what if, for example, what if I'm scared to go outside because I'm scared of the sky? what if I stop moving and cant get home or do anything?(as I feel like for the most part controlling some of my subconscious movements) I know these thoughts are irrational but I cant sift them out of my mind as a new panic always comes. (most of the feelings of panic last for 1 second and then go and i forget what the panic was about) I have already sought help for this site and have a CAMHS appointment but the NHS is shite and I have to wait 2 months is anyone else's panic this bad or am I looking to be in a straight jacket this time next week. ATB Declan