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Thread: Stomach problems/Anxiety/IBS

  1. #1

    Stomach problems/Anxiety/IBS


    does anyone else have stomach problems because of their anxiety or have anxiety because of stomach problems? I know in my head that I have an upset tummy when I am anxious but the ugly anxiety monster pops up and tells me that I have a horrible disease in my tummy and makes me constantly check and monitor going to the toilet which feeds the anxiety as this is different each time and I go round in a circle. I've not read any posts relating to stomach problems so wondered if anyone else could relate?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Stomach problems/Anxiety/IBS

    anxiety def makes things seem ALOT worse- for me the slightest twinge is some horrific illness - and i can stop eating completely, feel sick etc. i def think the stomach prob/anxiety thing is cirlcular.

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  3. #3

    Re: Stomach problems/Anxiety/IBS

    Yes when it's really bad I'm ever always going to the toilet or not completely and each one builds up in my head as a 'bad sign'. I've recognised now that when I have an anxious time I seem to get the same kind of spasm pain in my lower tummy and going to the toilet so I am trying to re-assure my self each time that's its an upset tummy 'just like last time' that went away when I calmed down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Stomach problems/Anxiety/IBS

    A couple of years ago I had about 3 months or more of digestive tract issues.

    It started with indigestion type probs which felt horrible at the time and I tried allsorts of medications ending up with me having a gastroscopy in the end. Everything was fine infact it started getting better just before the gastroscopy but I went ahead and had it anyway. The results showed nothing wrong and by a combination of lots more water and yoghurt with the friendly bacteria I started feeling much better.

    Then a few months later I moved on to what I can only thing was IBS cos I had all the symptoms for about 5 or 6 weeks - sent poo off to analysed and everything . Anyway that too eventually cleared up and I was never any the wiser. Anxiety takes all its forms doesn't it and it's hard to believe it can be responsible for such unpleasent physical symptoms aswell as the emotional ones. I still think it's best to go to the doctors though to check things out!

    I know loads of people with anxiety who have stomach issues hun so try not to worry. Have you ever tried Aloe vera juice - someone here recommended that very highly although I haven't tried it myself.

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    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  5. #5

    Re: Stomach problems/Anxiety/IBS


    thanks for that, yes I thought I might give it a go, the juice that is. My big thing you see is that i'm terrified of going to the doctors, I know a lot of anxious people go and have tests but I can't I'm completely terrified so I suffer in silence I have been lately to talk about the anxiety so I've been refered to see a counsellor but i didn't talk about the physical effects, which I always get with the anxiety. I do that thing of trying to have balancing positive thoughts, ie. have i had it before - yes, did it go away - yes, do I really think it is something bad etc...and then I have to lie down and listen to a relaxation tape. I was having such a good week this week, for the first time in 6 months I had a clear 5 days with no anxiety at all even though I came down with a stinking cold, then yesterday and today, boom back again. I am so tired of feeling like this does it ever go away?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: Stomach problems/Anxiety/IBS

    hi km yes i suffer horribly with stomache probs doc told me it was stress and it does give me more anxiety when i feel real bad...wish ya the best.......Linda

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Stomach problems/Anxiety/IBS

    We have loads of stomach posts on here - scroll down to the bottom of this page and you will see them.

    I suffer from problems too and am taking the pre/pro biotic drinks and it seems to help.

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