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Thread: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    Hey all, I want to share with you my weight loss journey, I am going to be open, two years ago I weighed 385. I knew something had to be done, I decided to cut down on sodium. I keep my sodium intake to 1500-1800 a day. I slowly cut out on going out to eat and getting fast food, I started cooking at home, cutting out processed foods big time, cut down on snacks and bread. I started working out with DDP Yoga, chair warrior program, I also cut a lot of sugar from what I eat, I do still enjoy pizza, in a limited basis, I make my own Mac and cheese, much better than boxed, I even make my own peanut butter cups using honey. I am taking the weight off slowly and am now down to 332 pounds. Oh I also make smoothies, and homemade chicken noodle soup and Chinese stir fry, and use coconut aminos for the seasoning as well as no salt season. I also make my own taco seasoning and my own pasta sauce using tomatoes, and spices blended in the blender.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    That's fantastic, Tracy!

    I reckon BigBoy will be impressed too. I recall he lost a load of weight too so I'm sure he will spot your thread when he's back on.

    Healthy eating seems as much about the mind and it sounds like you've got that going on so you will be making loads of progress as you keep going. Doing it sensibly is so much better than yo-yoing and much healthier. That way you will just change and not want those old foods. It's amazing but I've had to make some changes myself recently due to being diagnosed with hypertension and after a few months of cutting out most sugar you just don't care about it anymore.

    I like smoothies too. I bought one of those Nutri things (not the Ninja, one of the previous ones) but once it packed up I got a much cheaper lesser known brand and it's great. Better for getting the macro nutrients out too with them being pulverisers.

    There's so much info online for stuff like smoothies.

    Are you teaching yourself lots about cooking and finding your kitchen is full of all sorts of jars? My GF is like that as cans, makes jam from fruit she grows, etc. Maybe you could grow some things?

    Are you planning on adding more exercise as you go along? It can be challenging with panic/anxiety because of the sensations we feel but given how you handled that cinema experience you will push through it.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    Hey, Terry, thank you, I have a black thumb when it comes to growing things and I really don't have space to do so, Our place is tiny so have to watch what we get, I am teaching myself more about cooking and I do not crave sugar at all, I used to be a salt addict, now I can taste when something is way over salted. I do ride the stationary bike and I do, when my agoraphobia let's me, go out the door and walk back and forth from our gate to the back wall, we have a blender that does really well and I am about to get a Instapot

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    Hi , I well done on the weight loss it's a lot bloody easier putting it on than losing it , I've been trying to lose a couple of stone for ages I've lost 7 lbs and can't seem to lose anymore , stress and fatigue just make me go for the sugar fix to give me a temporary boost but sugar is the devil in disguise, I walk a fair bit with my dogs but as soon as I stop I'm snacking , im not a big eater just a grazer .
    Anyway well done you and shame on me .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    Buster I used to snack, are you drinking enough water, sometimes we mistake being thirsty as being hungry, also if your diet is high in sodium it will be harder to loose weight? At one time I lost 80 pounds and it was a struggle, I gained it back because I wasn't mindful of my eating, as soon as I started cutting sodium, processed food, cutting fast food, what you call take away, and cutting out a lot of sugar and snacks and bread, and sodas, the weight just stared coming off without trying. Here is what I sometimes eat I will have either an English muffin whole grain, with peanut butter, or butter and strawberry jam, banana, and water, or I'll have a strawberry banana smoothie with milk,protein powder, for breakfast, for lunch I may have homemade chicken noodle soup and water, or home made Mac and cheese, or a salad and a hamburger, for dinner either a smoothie, or fish, rice and veggies, or pasta with my own homemade sauce, or nachos with my homemade seasoning, topped with cheese, ground buffalo meat or ground turkey, cheese,lettuce,tomatoes,sour cream and salsa,or four slices of pizza, it's a small pizza,and water, or Chinese stir fry with veggies,chicken steamed and steamed rice, using coconut aminos,it's a low sodium 9 grams soy sauce substitute, and water, I drink 80-100 ounces of water a day. If we go out to eat say fast food I'll get a burger without cheese, add lettuce and tomato and a small ice tea with just one packet of sweetner, not sugar, or if we go into a restaurant I'll have chicken, not fried, or salmon with veggies and a salad. For snacks I'll eat string cheese, apples, black bean quinoa chips, or woke grain chips with salsa, Healthy choice ice cream bars, or Greek yogurt with a bit of organic strawberry jam mixed in. I allow myself one cheat day once a month where I eat what I want. Oh thank you for saying good job

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    You sound very dedicated to it , I guess I do have too much salt in snacks and sugar , I do drink water but some days I forget to drink at all then my legs ache at night to tell me drink somthing.
    I seem to have a face people want to feed I make people laugh and they automatically want to shove cake in my cakehole , every time I go in the post office they give me cake even when I say stop trying to kill me off with diabetes, my partner is a feeder my daughters are feeders and the worst bit I have no willpower to say no , I will take a look at the things you are eating for some ideas .
    Thanks , take care

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    Tell them if they really want to be feeders, to give you healthy snacks and or encourage your weight loss, yes water is important, right now my anxiety is up and haven't really been eating I am way under my calorie count, and not in a good way, You can do this, Buster if you need help and some tips and someone to talk to , feel free to pm me or add me as a friend. Will power is hard to get, It took me awhile to get there, I have on a sticky note by my desk, and in my journal, that I write in every day, If I don't do this I am going to die. It was nothing for me, at one time, to go to macdonalds, and get a quarter pounder with cheese, super size fries and a super size drink and eat that, or three double cheese burgers, hell I ate a large pizza by myself in one day and I was consuming five cans of Coke Cola a day, I could also eat an entire bag of Doritos, and man I was a salt and sugar addict as well as cheese, I had to have salt and cheese on just about everything, it is going to take time, but little changes will help, I gave up the full sugar soda for coke zero, cut that down now, I am totally off of soda, if I want caffeine, I make iced tea with one packet of sweet n low, i am not sure if you have that there, it's a sugar substitute, I have finally stopped eating a lot of cheese, I don't get cheese on my burgers anymore or on my veggies, or in soups or salads, I eat string cheese,it's mozzarella, I just weighed today and I am down four pounds in almost two weeks, but once again because my eating is way down, I am supposed to be consuming at least 2300 day to stay healthy and loose one pound a week, I am only getting, since last month, maybe barely even a 1000-1200 a day, so yeah not good for me.
    Last edited by Pkstracy; 23-05-18 at 00:18.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    I hate to say this but I read that list of food you used to eat and it made me hungry I'm not hugely over weight doc said four stone then nurse said you are tall and pretty big so about 2 1/2 stone over but it's still a fair bit and it's enough to make life a bit harder than it already is , I just feel a bit uncomfortable in my own skin so it's either lose weight or get a bigger skin .
    So the good things I've changed , I go on an exercise bike most days and I am pretty active for fat middle aged worrier , I now eat more fruit , I only drink sugar free drinks but even that is frowned upon now , nobody ever advises give up sugary drinks and go for sugar free ones the sweeteners are just as bad for you and make you crave a sugar fix , I only have half a sugar in my tea and only two cups a day .
    Now the bad bit , it was partners birthday at the weekend and she had a huge cake I've given a fair bit away but if it's in the house it whispers "eat me " until I cave in ( I don't really hear voices )
    Right now my life is a mess ,well has been for about ten years so the chance of me not comfort eating are slim unlike my belly , but never say never .
    Take care and keep on keeping on

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    I hear you about hearing eat me if it's in the house, I haven't had store bought cake in seven years. Mother in law makes everyone's cake from scratch, the sweetener O use it when I have tea and that is about twice a week for one day. Going to make home made Mac and cheese tonight and a salad. Good for you for riding the bike, me, I am not very active used to be a year ago, then just fell apart. Take care

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: How I lost 53 pounds without much exercise.

    Got on scales today and I've lost a couple pounds even after a week of birthday cake temptations , had a lot of problems at home and financial probs so I've been working at home in the evening pretty much until I drop so I guess that's helped , problem I see with me I think mmm I've been good and lost a bit so I'll treat myself over the weekend then I cave in , can of beer or two , pizza , peanuts and drum roll , CHOCOLATE .
    I'd take you up on that offer to pm you but I'm probably the most annoying person in the world and that's my better quality my daughters say I go way beyond annoying, the flip side to that is annoyingly depressed .
    Anyway if I do manage to lose anymore I'll post on here and if I put some on I'll also post to shame myself .
    Take care .

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