Hi, so this is my first post on here. I've been suffering from HA for a year years now and it seems like every time I vow to get better, some ailment strikes and sets me back.

Anyhow, so on Saturday I got up from reading and noticed a dull ache in my left testicle. Didn't think about it again and moved on with my life. I noticed the same ache on Sunday and my mind decided to latch on to it. Fast forward to Monday and the ache was still there and I was also having some lower back pain so I decided to go to the urgent care clinic at the local hospital.

My first thought was that it the beginning of epididymitis (I had it like 7 years ago). At urgent care, they did a urine test, ultrasound (also looked at the blood flow), and also a physical examination. Everything came back perfectly clear except the fact that I have a tiny hydrocele which I already knew. The doctor said there wasn't really any inflammation but there was a chance it just hadn't shown up yet and therefore the ultrasound didn't pick it up so he prescribed me doxycycline.

The weird thing is that when I was on the operating table during the ultrasound, my right testicle started to ache. The achy feeling on both is through the sides and occasionally more centralized. But the thing is, is that the ache seems to fluctuate between my two testicles. This makes me think that it probably isn't epididymitis or something along those lines because why would the achy feeling go back and forth between my two testicles. And when I had epididymitis in the past, I was in so much pain that I went to the ER.

I'm wondering if this uncomfortable ache is just muscular and magnified by me focusing on it? I'm currently working at a grocery store to save some money for school so I do a lot of lifting and other repetitive awkward movements. Maybe my lower back pain is from that (my hips are also pretty tight) and my testicular pain is just referred pain or maybe I pulled my cremaster muscle.

I'm terrified that I'm going to have this uncomfortable achy feeling for years or the rest of my life. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I'm really petrified that this is the new norm. Do you think I could have like chronic epididymitis, some nerve problem, or something that could stick around for a long while? Has anyone else experience something similar?