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Thread: way too much

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    way too much

    right were to start, after the anniversary if my brothers death may 22, had to have my tooth out 5th of june (badly infected) tooth extraction went well then two days later looked like it was infected so took 3 erythromycin (antibiotic) wich brought on stomach cramps, went to see my regular dentist who didnt take the tooth out, and she said i had a gum/bone infection and gave me metronidazole 500mg, took 1 and had very bad reaction. next day went to see dentist who took the tooth out and said it wasnt ifected just needed cleaning out, so dint even need antibiotics, the thing is with the reaction too the antibiptics caused me really bad stomach probs ive been taking lansoprazole for 4 weeks now, and still am having trouble eating and varios pains in my stomach, docs sending me for a endoscope but am so worried i have a stomach ulcer cos of the pain and constant burping etc. has anyone else had reaction to antibiotcs like this it been nearly two months since the reaction. sorry for wafflin on, hope everyones o.k

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: way too much

    I had a bad reaction it was pennicillin though..

    what did the reaction do to you exacly? I ask cos stomach problems are classic with Anxiety. Your brain might of told it there is something worng with it!...

    what is your diet like? try some IBS pills peppermint etc...this might calm it down a bit....

    I hope your Endoscopy goes fine, Im sure they will find nothing

    Let me know


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: way too much

    my diets fine, plenty of fibre drink lots of water etc, actimel/yakult the lot.
    im allso allergic to penicillin. the erythromycin brought on the stomach cramps
    and the metronidazole had various effects from nettle rash,itching major deppresion (couldnt stop crying) sevre headaches and tiredness dehydration and made stomach even worse. the nettle rash lasted for about 4 days and the itching 2 weeks the stomach and digestive problems are endless but i must admit better, my doc said side effects can last several weeks, but doin endoscopy to be sure, if there is a ulcer there will take biopsy for h.pylori, so hoping i havnt got a ulcer or infection, cos will need triple therapy for that 2 antibiotics and lansoprazole, allso got holter monitor results on wensday.

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