Long story short. Yesterday it rained all evening till about 4 am. It thundered hard like 3 or 4 times to the point where my house shook and car alarms went off. Each time it thundered hard I shook, the last time it thundered hard I got so scared that my heart started racing and I got up and walked around with headphones in till the storm finally passed at 4am. I could barely sleep because I was googling if you could be scared/frightened to death (which I should not have googled) and apparently you can but it’s extremely rare in healthy people with no pre existing conditions but it “can” happen. So that scared me even more because that thunder was literally a sonic boom like 3 times and each time scared the heck out of me.

Now I’m over here worried that what if that thunder messed me up? I’m already recovering from 2 weeks of panic attacks and crappy sleep and lucky lucky me to now have hard thunder scare me even more.

Am I being irrational?