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Thread: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Seeing blood is scary and it's perfectly understandable that you panicked, Samina.

    You did the very best thing by seeing your GP and are going to have tests. People who don't have HA can take these symptoms in their stride but people like us find it very difficult to be rational and put benign causes before the worst case scenario horrors..With us it's always the horrors first and foremost!!

    I hope you are feeling calmer now and hopefully your bowels will settle down. At least you know that you will be having routine investigations which will give you more insight should there be future episodes so a colonoscopy could be a beneficial thing in the long run?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Seeing blood is scary and it's perfectly understandable that you panicked, Samina.

    You did the very best thing by seeing your GP and are going to have tests. People who don't have HA can take these symptoms in their stride but people like us find it very difficult to be rational and put benign causes before the worst case scenario horrors..With us it's always the horrors first and foremost!!

    I hope you are feeling calmer now and hopefully your bowels will settle down. At least you know that you will be having routine investigations which will give you more insight should there be future episodes so a colonoscopy could be a beneficial thing in the long run?
    Thanks so much Pulisa, yes exactly, the idea is that so any future episodes don't freak me out and I can remove this fear from my mind as when it's bad it is all consuming.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Hi everyone,

    I'm back, I've been lurking for the past few weeks but have managed to keep the anxiety down.

    I started treating the piles with suppositories and creams and taking my Daflon again and things started to improve. Last week I had a big family event and have been really busy so haven't been putting cream on or taking Daflon and haven't been eating well either and things have gotten bad again. (Constipation, difficulty passing stool, seeing blood almost every time I go both on stool and when I wipe - sometimes I try and go and I can't but pass wind and watery blood comes out - this has dredged up the HA again... has anyone else had this?)

    My parents were here (both of whom have had piles for years) and I was telling them about my symptoms and both of them have said that they have experienced similar things but never worried about it (can't understand why my reaction is so different to theirs???)

    I am going for my first colonoscopy in exactly 1 week's time. I'm happy I've finally plucked up the courage to do this and I'm happy that I will have some knowledge about what's going on inside my colon. If there's nothing scary going on (petrified of having a polyp or bowel cancer) then at least I can stop freaking out every time I see blood... but I am also petrified of what they might find... I know this is all normal.

    Just needed to get these thoughts off my chest. If anyone has some advice or similar stories, I would really appreciate you sharing.

    Thank you xox

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    So this morning I tried to go and I only passed 1 rabbit pellet (does this mean I'm constipated?) and when I wiped, there was watery blood...

    As I said, I haven't been eating that well over the past week, lots of carbs, not enough water or veg and as usual my digestion is up the creek... I have to start my prep diet for colonoscopy on Sunday and this will mean more of the same :(. If anyone has any words of advice or similar stories, please share. Thank you xxx

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Sorry to bump my own post everyone, a combination of countdown To colonoscopy, seeing more blood in bms and bms all over the place have resulted in quite heightened anxiety... I’ve spent all day reading posts on here trying to reassure myself.

    I feel awful as it’s my OH’s bday today but I’m basically ignoring him obsessing about what’s going on in my bowels and mentally preparing myself for the colonoscopy and the diet and the prep...

    I already messed up buying the wrong prep medicine (not sure why but for afternoon colonoscopy they make you take something different...) so I have to go back to the chemist and change them...

    Any words of advice greatly appreciated xxx

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Apparently with piles or even a fissure, blood can drip into the bowl and make a huge mess

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Unhappy Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Thanks Toby ,
    It’s only ever “dripped” once, the rest of the time it’s either a streak on the bm or patches or what looks like in the “cracks” (huge apologies for TMI) and recently also watery blood on paper...
    I’m really afraid

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    As I said on another thread, the prep is the most unpleasant part. Just make sure you're close to the bathroom and have a good book and your phone or laptop is charged ~lol~ Also as I mentioned, they'll give you the good stuff so you won't remember or feel anything. Tell them you're anxious and they'll give you something to "relax" you prior. I did but I just wanted to get a good buzz on

    To address your symptoms.... and this should help others as well. I suffered from bowel issues throughout my life. Loose stools, constipation, hemmies, etc. I've not been officially diagnosed with IBS but I certainly have many of the symptoms and since my cancer treatment, I've not been regular at all. I can go days without going, loose to normal, clean to bloody etc. I take Miralax every day along with a softener. It is what it is. I've been checked and cleared so I just do what the doc says and eat as healthy as I can.

    All will be fine I'm quite sure. I'll have the "Told Ya So Gang" on standby for the clear results

    When you get that all clear, look into getting help with your anxiety. Just a read of the forum illustrates clearly the effect it has on your body. Treating the root of the issue also helps the symptoms associated with it.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    As I said on another thread, the prep is the most unpleasant part. Just make sure you're close to the bathroom and have a good book and your phone or laptop is charged ~lol~ Also as I mentioned, they'll give you the good stuff so you won't remember or feel anything. Tell them you're anxious and they'll give you something to "relax" you prior. I did but I just wanted to get a good buzz on

    To address your symptoms.... and this should help others as well. I suffered from bowel issues throughout my life. Loose stools, constipation, hemmies, etc. I've not been officially diagnosed with IBS but I certainly have many of the symptoms and since my cancer treatment, I've not been regular at all. I can go days without going, loose to normal, clean to bloody etc. I take Miralax every day along with a softener. It is what it is. I've been checked and cleared so I just do what the doc says and eat as healthy as I can.

    All will be fine I'm quite sure. I'll have the "Told Ya So Gang" on standby for the clear results

    When you get that all clear, look into getting help with your anxiety. Just a read of the forum illustrates clearly the effect it has on your body. Treating the root of the issue also helps the symptoms associated with it.

    Positive thoughts
    Thank you so much for your time Fishmanpa, it means so much
    Thank you also for the tips on the prep...

    I hope you’re right about the “gang”... I’ll keep you all posted...

    Finally you are so right about getting help for the anxiety - I finished a years worth of talk therapy/ emd in June, my therapist said I had all the knowledge I needed to fight it but I don’t think I’m very good at putting it into practice.
    Thank you again for your time.

    So my first night of fibre free diet went ok. I’m feeling a bit bloated but will try and drink as much water as I can


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Hi all,

    Just checking in again. SO I'm on day 3 of my no fibre diet preparing for the colonoscopy. THe diet side of things is going better than I expected - I really thought I would feel more bloated not eating fruit and veg but I'm doing ok.

    Anxiety is up and down and as usual is closely related to what I see when I go to the toilet. Sunday I went and had a "strange" bm with blood mixed in - so Sunday anxiety was high. Then yesterday had a good BM with no blood so felt good and happy all day. I have just had another "strange" BM with blood mixed in so I'm feeling crappy again :(

    I chatted to my cousin who usually does a great job of making me feel better but she told me of a family friend who had BC who had absolutely no symptoms and that just made me worry more.

    Trying to stay calm and stop thinking of worst case scenarios.

    I have decided I am going to go to the gym for the first time since July...

    Thanks to all for listening xxx

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