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Thread: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    Hi everyone,

    I have had constant diarrhoea for 4 months and the last few weeks rectal pressure like I need a poo all the time it’s a weird sensation.

    I went to doctor again yesterday who did a digital rectal exam and said it felt normal and my rectum felt empty, she pressed my tummy and there was tenderness on the left side, she has now referred me for a colonoscopy she’s advised it will be a 2 month wait and she can’t do the 2 week pathway because of my age (43) my health anxiety is severe and ever since she’s told me about the colonoscopy I he t been able to eat, I feel sick and crying all the time reading stories about cancer symptoms in the under 50’s... I am beside myself with worry and can’t control it, I am frightened of the procedure, frightened to have the sedative in case I have breathing problems and frightened of what the might find I have such a fear of cancer... I have taken 2 Valium today and not been able to go to work I just physically can’t think straight :( i am going to ring the doctor tomorrow to see if there is anyway at all I can be referred earlier as I honestly don’t think I can wait 2 months, anyone’s thoughts or experiences with colonoscopy, Howe cancer fears would be hugely appreciated, I am really on the edge at the moment xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears


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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    Can anybody at all help? X

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    Oh goodness hi! You sound like you are really spiralling. Firstly take a moment- it really is very unlikely to be anything sinister. It sounds like IBS or an upset in your gut bacteria. If you suffer from anxiety you will be prone to both. I’ve gone for months at a time without doing a “normal” poop. That said, I can understand your fear because I totally share it. We with HA catastrophise. It’s what we do.
    Has your GP done a stool test? That is very simple to do and the absence of blood makes bowel cancer even more unlikely. (Even if blood is present, bowel cancer is still VERY unlikely (in the screened population, ie the over 60s, of those testing positive for stool blood, 90% will NOT have cancer).)
    Has your GP said why you are being referred for a colonoscopy? I am assuming it is for reassurance purposes?? (In which case I wonder if it is actually having the opposite effect??)
    Sorry - I’m rambling. I have had a colonoscopy before. For similar symptoms. I paid myself (not cheap). But it really wasn’t that bad - so don’t worry.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    Oh Jojo thank you sooo much for replying :( doctor didn’t do a blood stool test because she has referred for the colonoscopy so she said there’s no need I think she referred me because of the tenderness in left hand side and the continuous Diarrhea I literally haven’t eaten anything since Monday night I just physically can’t I feel so sick, This in turn is making the Diarrhea very odd as I am drinking nothing but water, I have ordered a test from amazon to check for blood it’s coming today she said if there is blood she may be able to get it quicker but she doesn’t think it’s cancer she would bet money on it...doesn’t alleviate any of this anxiety though how could she know she can’t see inside me... I looked into private colonoscopy and I just cannot afford it so I have to wait but It’s torture I’ve lost 6lb in weight since Monday but I need to remember it’s because I haven’t eaten anything and not for another reason.... I just keep thinking of leaving my family behind everytime I look at my husband I want to cry it’s unbearable xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    I know you’re in a horrible place right now. I’ve been there too, not for the same reason but have felt the crippling fear. You need to eat and drink, I know you feel you can’t, but start small with gentle foods and you’ll hopefully start to feel better. It’s good that’s she’s ordered the test, but I do understand that it’s scary still.

    When I had an endoscopy I didn’t have sedation, but the people in the ward who did looked so content! Everyone says it’s like having a nice nap.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    Hi scass thank you for replying it’s overwhelming the fear isn’t it? I can’t think of anything else :( just forced myself to eat an apple and half of a banana got stomach ache now :( just wish I could have the appt quicker than 2 months and get it over with xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Anxious View Post
    Hi scass thank you for replying it’s overwhelming the fear isn’t it? I can’t think of anything else :( just forced myself to eat an apple and half of a banana got stomach ache now :( just wish I could have the appt quicker than 2 months and get it over with xx
    I agree with your doctor; I’d put large amounts of money on the fact it isn’t cancer. I would say the majority of your symptoms are caused by anxiety. Tenderness isn’t a warning sign for cancer as far as I know. I have it all the time - I think it is a feature of IBS.
    So - the wait. This probably isn’t what a “sensible” person would suggest, but what I would do (and I am not AT ALL sensible - I am highly crippled by my HA), what I would do is perform a fecal occult blood test (from Amazon). If negative, I would accept that cancer is EXTREMELY unlikely and put up with the two month wait. If it was positive I would go back to the doctor and say “I have blood in my stool, please can I be seen quicker?”.
    Disclaimer: this is certainly not therapist approved advice!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    I’m waiting for the test to come through from amazon today it’s still not here my anxiety is the worst it’s ever been in 20 years, I keep looking up survival statistics and recital pressure it keeps pointing to reveal cancer but the doctor said my rectum was clear? I just hope I can do a poo as I haven’t eaten... thanks again Jojo you are literally like a lifeline for me at the moment xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Colonoscopy and bowel cancer fears

    Well you have the test coming from amazon soon and then you’ll have more information to help you.

    It’s awful how anxiety can mimic symptoms sometimes but it absolutely did to me when I was going through ovarian cyst checkups. Within hours of getting the good diagnosis my symptoms started to disappear...

    Trust your doctor, keep trying to distract yourself for now. Getting out for a bit or talking to a friend will help no end x

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