Hi everyone

I have posted here a few days ago about my other anxiety-related symptoms.

I have also noticed that in line with my generally bad health in the last few months, I have a largish swelling in the left armpit. I first noticed this about two weeks ago when I was examing myself due to chest pains.

When I touch the middle of the left armpit it feels swollen and tender to touch. I also get shooting pains from it going down my side (not all the time, just occassionally). I have had general chest pains in the past 3 weeks (I have had any possible cardiac problems checked with doctors, they assure me I don't have a cardiac problem, I am a 39 year old female, generally quite healthy most of my life).

Could anyone please reassure me if they have also had a swelling or lump, perhaps triggered by infection (I have had kidney infection twice in the past 3 months and flu twice which antibiotics cleared) which then went away ?

All sorts of terrible things like tumours and cancers are going through my head.

I will go and see the GP soon, just worried that she will think I am a hypochondriac nutcase as have been in out of the surgery for past 3 weeks