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Thread: middle of the night panic attack

  1. #1

    middle of the night panic attack

    Here we go again. I am currently coming down from a mild panic attack that woke me up. In my half asleep state, I thought I was having digestive trouble and about to have diarrhea but nope just a good ol fashioned panic attack - sweaty palms, heart racing, trembling/shaking, bursting into tears. Once I realized it was not food poisoning I was somewhat relieved and actually made me calm down from it quicker. Anyway, I guess I was stressed enough about getting sick that it caused this???

    Ever have a day where you just feel so fine that it’s...odd? That was me yesterday. Oddly calm while watching our capitol being broken into. Oddly calm while having some food that I normally would avoid out of fear of getting sick. I was like that meme with the dog saying “it’s fine” while everything burns around him lol. I felt some grumbling in my lower GI area that made me worried but I kept telling myself, “nope it’s nothing, you’re not sick, everything will be fine.” Was I suppressing emotion without realizing it? Was I in shock yesterday and it all came to a head now? I hate when my anxiety sneaks up on me like this. Or, when I get anxious for not feeling anxious!!! Like, really???

    Anyway, I’m feeling better now so I’m gonna try and get some sleep....ugh

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: middle of the night panic attack


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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: middle of the night panic attack

    Hi seashell I think that could be an explanation for it. I also woke up with panic both yesterday and today, and my IBS is flaring big time. On Wednesday I was upset but didn't notice any physical symptoms. That all happened yesterday and now today. Even after meditating and doing everything possible to be calm it still snuck up on me. Very annoying to put it lightly.

  4. #4

    Re: middle of the night panic attack

    Hi Librella thanks for your reply. Yes it's SO annoying! Also now that I'm past it I realize that my PMS anxiety was super high the past couple days too. Hormones definitely influence how bad my anxiety gets. Ugh.

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