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Thread: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    Hi, I am in a dreadful state at the moment. Last week I did a stool test and had a blood test. The background to this is I was having floating stools and saw the doctor who examined me and said all felt normal. She order two stools tests, one to the hospital and one to the surgery, also a blood test. The hospital stool test was posted three weeks ago, and I took the other one into the surgery when I went for my blood test a week ago.

    The nurse said if I hadn't heard anything by Monday to ring the surgery. After being afraid every day of a phone call from the doctor, and not hearing anything I calmed down and rang. The receptionist said the stool tests were back and the doctor had seen them, but she didn't understand them and said the doctor would send me a letter if she wanted to see me. She said the blood tests weren't back and then again said if the doctor wanted to see me she would write. She told me not to ring again, but to wait to see if I got a letter. She didn't say how long to wait, but I would just have to wait and see.

    This has terrified me as I don't know what the results are and can only find out by waiting and see if I get a letter some time. I am worried there is something terribly wrong now. I had a stool test a few months ago and when I rang for the results the receptionist said it was normal. So this is different, I think if it was normal she would have said.

    My bowels seem to have settled down and I've not had the floating stools for a while and everything looks normal, I had felt better about it and thought the tests might be alright,but now I'm sure they are not.

    I don't how I'm going to get through every day waiting to see if there is a letter. I am sitting here shaking.

    Has anyone had this sort of scenario where you are not told the results and can't ring again but wait worrying.

    Please help I can't cope!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    It’s a horrible situation to be in when you’re waiting for results. Sometimes I think that receptionists don’t appreciate the angst, but then sometimes I think they’re just having a bad day & forget to show tact.

    It sounds like your results are probably ok. You haven’t received a call and there was no flag to call you. But you could always call back tomorrow and ask for the doctor to call you.

    It’s best to ignore the receptionist comments to be honest. She didn’t know what she was talking about so she did the right thing by not giving you any information.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    Quote Originally Posted by chinadoll19 View Post
    The receptionist said the stool tests were back and the doctor had seen them, but she didn't understand them and said the doctor would send me a letter if she wanted to see me. She said the blood tests weren't back and then again said if the doctor wanted to see me she would write. She told me not to ring again, but to wait to see if I got a letter. She didn't say how long to wait, but I would just have to wait and see.
    Who didn't understand the stool tests? The doctor or the receptionist? I can't imagine a doctor not understanding a stool result?

    Some surgery receptionists have the people skills of a wheelie bin and also appear to confuse their job description with that of the GP - despite having done no time in medical school.

    I've phoned up for blood test results before and the receptionist/'doctor' informed me that my blood tests were normal only to have to phone me back once the GP had looked at them because I was severely deficient in Vit D and required a high strength supplement.

    You can speak to your GP. It's what they're there for!

    My bowels seem to have settled down and I've not had the floating stools for a while and everything looks normal, I had felt better about it and thought the tests might be alright,but now I'm sure they are not.
    Floating stools is very common and everybody gets them from time to time because it's most likely down to diet/gas etc.

    I don't how I'm going to get through every day waiting to see if there is a letter. I am sitting here shaking.
    Phone the reception and request a phone consultation from your GP asap. Don't take any crap about 'not ringing'. A receptionist telling a patient they can't ring up the surgery? I'd be putting a complaint in if it was me...
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #4
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    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Some surgery receptionists have the people skills of a wheelie bin and also appear to confuse their job description with that of the GP
    I thought that WAS the job description of a GP's receptionist...

  5. #5
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    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    I thought that WAS the job description of a GP's receptionist...
    Ours used to ask me what I wanted to see the GP for. After a few 'no filter' replies - she doesn't ask anymore.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #6
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    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    Some GP receptionists just like to have a sense of power and they enjoy keeping the patient on tenterhooks...They thrive on being the "gateway" to the God-like GPs..

    Basically I think the message to take away from your abortive call would be "The doctor will contact you if he/she wants to take further action". No letter equals normal results. Not great for people with anxiety who just want clarity NOW.

    I hate it when receptionists bring out the "I'm not medically qualified to give out test results" but are quite prepared to leave you in the lurch by doling out a few "hints" that repeat tests are needed..Not that this applies to you, chinadoll because I think that no news is good news and you would have been contacted by now if anything had been seriously wrong with your tests.

  7. #7
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    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    The fact that they're sending a letter to give you the results is a good thing. If there was an issue, you would have been called immediately.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  8. #8
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    Feb 2019

    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    Thank you all for your replies. It is much appreciated. I have been trying to think a bit more positive. It seemed almost every question I asked got the reply 'If the doctor wants to see you, she will send a letter'. I wondered if this was her stock reply. I am still worried but a bit less.

    NoraB it was the receptionist that said she didn't understand the stool test results but pointed out the doctor had seen them.

    If I don't get a letter, I hope I don't that scares me, I will rling again in a couple days despite what the receptionist says, I have a right to those results.

  9. #9
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    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    Quote Originally Posted by chinadoll19 View Post

    NoraB it was the receptionist that said she didn't understand the stool test results but pointed out the doctor had seen them.
    It's not her job to understand them.

    I will rling again in a couple days despite what the receptionist says, I have a right to those results.
    Yes, you do have a right to know, and she is out of order for telling you not to phone up.

    Meanwhile, I agree with the 'no news is good news', so try not to spiral.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2019

    Re: Very Afraid, receptionist scared me about test results now I'm terrified

    Update: I had a fright this morning. The doctor phoned early, I didn't get to the phone in time. I was thinking the worst as usual, and I rang the surgery. It took me an hour and a half as I kept getting a message saying there were not taking any calls at that time. When I finally got through I got a much nicer receptionist (or so I thought) she said the doctor had rung and all that was on the note was that she had rung and there was no answer. She said she would send a message through to the doctor to ring me back.

    I had to wait until about 4.30 for her to ring back. The first thing she said was 'There is nothing to worry about you know that don't you?' I said no and she said she had stressed to the receptionist that she was to tell me that. She didn't want me worrying all day. She apologized several times for me not being told that. The results were: the blood tests were perfectly normal, the stool test for blood in it was clear, no blood. The other stool test had something slightly raised, I'm not sure what, something about inflamation I think. It is borderline and nothing to worry about but I have to do another stool test in two weeks time.

    I am trying to not worry, she must know what she is talking about. She did try to explain but I couldn't quite understand it. I am relieved really. It seems borderline can be normal for some people.

    Thank you again.

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