I was replying to a thread the other day about this procedure and a colonoscopy and sympathised cos I wouldn't want to have one!

Well I spoke too soon cos now I do

I went to see a consultant last night as I have had persistent piles and bleeding and expected him to just inject them and send me on my way.

Instead I had a biopsy done, the piles injected, a camera into the lower part of the colon and now told I need a Sigmoidoscopy as my colon is very inflammed and needs further investigation.

I have had diarrhea for as long as I can remember and rarely have solid movements but it has always been put down to anxiety and possibly IBS.

Now they tell me that the inflammed colon is the cause of the diarrhea and needs looking at.

I am very worried as anyone would be and I wouldn't say I particularly suffer with HA but now I am beginning to get scared about the procedure as I want to have it without sedation as anything like that freaks me out big time!

Last night was quite painful and I was sore afterwards and had a bit of a sore stomach today so I am not sure how I will be without sedation but have to give it a go.

I also need to eat or I feel rubbish and giving me an enema will mean I will be running on empty so worried that I will feel crap then as well!

I also want to wait until Alex can drive again so he can take me in case I do need sedation.

I know loads have had it and survived but I just want to say that I am not invincible and I too suffer the anxiety and what ifs and uncertainty that is ahead.

Sorry for moaning - just wanted to write this down and I can update in a few weeks with any news.

Thanks for reading.