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Thread: Eye test, referred to a specialist.

  1. #1

    Eye test, referred to a specialist.

    Freaking out quite a bit :( went for an eye test today as I believe I have a floater, the lady who did the OCT scan and Dialated eye drop test said I've had a pigment change or something in my eye? She told me it won't be anything and she only wants it checked because of this floater symptom, but she wants to refer me just to rule anything out. I can't seem to find out anything about this being a normal occurrence online, or what it can mean really. Has anyone else had this result from their eye test?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: Eye test, referred to a specialist.

    If it is the floater you are concerned about, I have had floaters since childhood and that is many years ago. They are quite harmless and just debris. They are only concerning if you have a big shower of them at once, but that can be treated. I can't comment on the pigment as I don't know anything about it. She is probably just being cautous, after all eyes are precious.I have been told over the years most floaters are normal. Hope this helps, and you get good news when you see the specialist.

  3. #3

    Re: Eye test, referred to a specialist.

    Thank you for replying ☺️ Yeah I am not super concerned about floaters as they don't seem to be linked to anything I was concerned with. The only links I can find with floaters is Retinal detachment (which I assume she'd have found it if I have one) and cancer. I'm not going to let my mind go down the route of cancer because the odds are so tiny, eye cancer is apparently one of the rarest forms and 99% certain it's not that. I just wish she had explained why this pigment has required referral, I feel very out of the loop because I have no idea what it could mean if it's bad. As I stated in my original post she did say once my scans came back that whatever she found is very small and it won't be anything, she just wants to get it checked over. The only description she gave of the pigment is saying "like what you get on your skin" so I guess it could be a freckle/mole in my eye? I've never had a Dialated eye test before or OCT, so maybe it's always been there. She did also say that without the floater symptoms she wouldn't have even flagged the pigment as being a thing and ignored it, because of how small it is.

    Sorry to ramble on, I don't really have anyone else to discuss this sort of thing with and it's boggling my mind a little.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Eye test, referred to a specialist.

    My wife had a freckle removed from her eye over decade ago and it was not cancerous. She just went for a more detailed exam due to another freckle found during her last eye exam and it was determined to be of no concern.

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  5. #5

    Re: Eye test, referred to a specialist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambierain View Post
    Freaking out quite a bit :( went for an eye test today as I believe I have a floater, the lady who did the OCT scan and Dialated eye drop test said I've had a pigment change or something in my eye? She told me it won't be anything and she only wants it checked because of this floater symptom, but she wants to refer me just to rule anything out. I can't seem to find out anything about this being a normal occurrence online, or what it can mean really. Has anyone else had this result from their eye test? wordle

    I understand that receiving unexpected news during a medical examination can be unsettling, but it's important to stay calm and not jump to conclusions. Changes in pigmentation in the eye can be caused by various factors, and while they may indicate certain conditions, they don't necessarily mean anything serious.

    It's positive that the eye specialist wants to refer you for further evaluation just to rule out any potential issues. This is a standard precautionary measure that healthcare professionals take to ensure thorough assessment and appropriate management.

  6. #6

    Re: Eye test, referred to a specialist.

    My daughter and sister have both been referred in the past for a freckle, that’s all it was - a freckle

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