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Thread: Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

    mozzie2.jpgI was petting Mozzie earlier tonight and I was running my hand down his side to his back leg, on the "thigh?" area I felt a soft under the skin lump, I am like what now, A long time ago I was doing research on my dog and found that under the skin lumps can sometimes be cancer and that when cats and dogs get shots, it can become a sarcoma, so now my mind is thinking , is that here he got his rabies shot, my husband doesn't remember as he took Mozzie to get his shots and they took Mozzie to a back room while my husband waited, I am freaking out, he is fine, eating , running getting into everything, I am calling the vet on Tuesday as they are closed Monday, and see if I can't get him in and have them check it out. I know it could be nothing it might even be a bulbus from his rabies's already been a rough year for me and I don't know if I can take anymore.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

    Definitely ask the vet because it's better to be safe than sorry, but it could be from the vaccine and may go away on its own. I know we are conditioned to always think "lump means cancer" but my experience with my pets has been that most of the time the lump is harmless.

    My understanding is that injection site sarcomas in cats are very rare, but that they've started to do injections in the back legs (or base of the tail) because if it did come up, it is more easily removed if in those areas.

    Mozzie will be just fine, I'm sure.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

    I am kind of remembering or it could be wishful thinking but I remember my husband coming home with mozzie the day of his shots four weeks ago and he saying oh the vet tech said he'll have a small lump that will go away over time, I am hoping it's just due to being the bulbus from his rabies shot. You're right Poppy it doesn't always mean cancer my 13 year old female dog has a big lump on her back near her tail and she has had it for years, vet tested and said there was nothing to indicate cancer, however I need to get her back in and get her checked as it got a little bigger.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

    My cocker mix is a senior now and has a bunch of lumps and is always getting more. Just a breed thing, I guess. We’ve had some tested and just watch the test. I remember my Poodle mix as a puppy getting a lump after her vaccine - it scared me half to death but it went away just like the vet said.

    Best of luck to little Mozzie.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

    I seem to remember one cat I had, got a lump on his injection site. It went down in a few days. Maybe it’s different in the states but I’ve always seen injections given in the scruff of the neck.

    Take him in when you take your dog and I’m sure your vet will put your mind at rest regarding both of them.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

    Sorry forgot to update the lump went down, I guess it was the bulbus from the rabies shot.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Found Under The Skin Lump On My Kitten

    Great news!
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