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Thread: Anal fissure causing immense anxiety

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Anal fissure causing immense anxiety

    Hi, haven’t posted in a while but my anxiety has been horrendous for the last few weeks. About six weeks ago I had a uti that I had antibiotics to treat. I had diahorrea for about two weeks due to the antibiotics. I have had awful pain while passing stools for a couple of weeks now. The pain lasts for a good few hours afterwards and there has been blood the majority of the time. I saw a doctor last week who confirmed that I have an anal tear which I can see myself. He gave me cream that I have been using for the last four days but still the pain and blood continues. This has been my biggest fear for years and now I am living it. I have read that fissures can take weeks to heal but I’m scared that it won’t and that it could be something more sinister even though logically it all makes sense that it’s a fissure. Before the antibiotics I had no issue with pain and bleeding but the health anxiety is trying to take over and I’m finding it difficult to fight off.

    Has anyone else dealt with a long term fissure? I’m also concerned that I might need surgery to sort it out if the cream doesn’t work. Any replies would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Anal fissure causing immense anxiety

    I really feel for you because I know how scary it can be. But you've got to trust the doctor. He examined you and said it's an anal tear, which will cause blood. And I have also heard that it very often takes fissures weeks to heal.
    Like you said, before the antibiotics you had no problems. Diahorrea for 2 weeks is going to cause some temporary issues.
    Trust your doctor, keep using the cream, drink plenty of water and keep your diet as clean as you can for now. You'll soon start to see an improvement but these things very often just take a bit of time, which is not good when you have health anxiety.
    I really hope you start to feel better soon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Anal fissure causing immense anxiety

    I have a long term fissure yes. It bleeds intermittently…

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Anal fissure causing immense anxiety

    Thank you for the replies. I am in so much discomfort today, the anxiety is causing me to have more bowel movements than usual and the pain is awful, even hours after passing a stool I have a burning sensation. It’s making me scared to have a bowel movement

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Anal fissure causing immense anxiety

    Has anyone else dealt with a persistent fissure? I am really stressing over it

  6. #6

    Re: Anal fissure causing immense anxiety

    How are you doing now? I also have a long term anal fissure and it makes me really anxious. I have exactly the same issues with having more bowel movements because of the anxiety which make the pain worse. The burning sensation is horrible but normal with a fissure

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