Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone has experience with this and can give some advice.
I've been prescribed Xanax for many years. Initially I only took it when I had to fly. But the last year I took it a lot more. I took 0.25mg every day for 3 weeks around Christmas. But I stopped taking them after the holidays were over and had no issues.

A few weeks ago I started getting vertigo. I initially thought it was a symptom of anxiety so I took my Xanax which actually did clear up the vertigo. It took me a few weeks to get an appointment with my GP and be diagnosed with actual vertigo and get medication for that. So I took 0.25mg every day for about 5 weeks.
My GP didn't want to prescribe me anymore until my next flight, because she's worried I would take it too often. Which I didn't disagree with and I felt fine with that decision.
So I took my last one on Monday. Felt ok Tuesday but yesterday I felt super anxious! I have 3 left so I cut a 0.25mg in half last night and took that and it really helped, but I don't want to take anymore because now I'm starting to get worried that I'm going through withdrawal.
Is it possible to get addicted to Xanax from only taking the lowest dose once per day for a couple of weeks? Or is my fear of addiction possibly making me feel more anxious?
I can't exactly taper off because 0.25mg is already the lowest dose and that's all I was taking.