Hi Everyone

I am not a happy bunny at the moment, it started off on Thursday evening I have some pain in the right hand side of the neck, from the ear down to the shoulder blades, it got worse later on the pain was from my ear down to my arm, it hurt when I took a deep breath, I couldn't really sleep as it just throbbed , etc etc.

Well Friday it is just the same, I took some paracetemal didn't help one bit, even if I don't do anything it just throbs, tried going to sleep but I am so uncomfortable( I am a wuss with pain), I have just taken paracetemal and ibrophen, hopefully these should help (I don't hold my breath though)

Has anyone else had any problems like this, if yes what did you do and what medication did you take to help ease the pain?

Please excuse my spelling, I know it is absolutely rubbish and can't spell.

Many Thanks
