I am going out of my mind with worry here

I have been having a small streak of blood in my phlegm, Eeewwww yes I know, it may be too much info but I really need some hugs or help or something...

It started a couple of months ago with a bad cold and mucus etc, had it a couple of times and the doc said that it was probably just a burst capilliary from having been bad or coming from the back of my nose...

It happened a couple of more time and I noticed that my nose was also bleeding slightly at times, not a full on pour but when I blew my nose there was a bit of blood :(

It happened again over Christmas a couple of times and again today...Arghhhh I am petrified I have lung cancer or something

I'm 34 and I do smoke and no I shouldnt but its a vicious circle, my anxiety levels sometimes make me feel like turning to drink as well as fags...

I went to see the doc yesterday and he said my chest sounded clear, I have no cough, I have not lost any weight and I am not breathless...

The only cough I do have is a kind of forced cough from my throat when I feel like something is stuck like phlegm...

The half a dozen times it has happened I have noticed that my nose has had a bit of blood as well and although I am pretty sure its from my nose and then going down it freaks me out when it happens like it did 5 mins ago...

My doc is sending me for a chest x-ray which is on Wednesday and has said he is going to assume its negative and refer me to ENT as well...He has been amazing but it isn't stopping my cruel mind fom thinking the worst :(

I was wondering if anyone had anything similar happen to them or if maybe someone can offer some pearls of wisdom that might help me calm down at this moment in time...