A few week before xmas I found a lump on my jaw area (near the back) I made an appointment and was see by a locum who said that as I noticed it about the same time as I had a cold, it was probably a swollen lymph node and should go down in a few days (although she did say it could take up to 6 weeks to go down), I was told to come back after xmas if it had not gone down, it hasn't so I went back last week, could not see my usual doctor, but I did see the older doctor knowing no history about my HA he said it feels like a reactive lymph node and it could take months to go down and nothing to worry about unless it gets bigger or I start to feel unwell.

The trouble is I came away feeling better and reassured, but now a few days later I feeling all panicky again, I mist feel it 50 times a day, I have started to feel unwell, but I sure its the anxiety and I know that thinking about an area your brain muddles up and makes the symptoms worse, I know all this, yet I cant relax and feel as though I am a few weeks away from a .. you have ** months to live chat. Writing this I know how crazy it sounds and tomorrow I might feel differerent, but right now it feels so real.