Over the last few months I've been getting terrible panic attacks at work, so bad that I end up having to go home. I have recently just got back to work after having 6 weeks off with anxiety/panic attacks. At first my boss made out that she was going to be very supportive and help me get back into work slowly, but after I'd been back a week she went back to her usual vile self!

Since Christmas I haver started suffering badly again with the attacks, both at work and at home. However, as my boss is so unapproachable and insensitive I didnt feel able to tell her about how I was feeling.

Anyway, I got to work this morning and I just felt dreadful, and immediately began having a panic attack, shaking, heart racing, hot etc etc. I asked my boss if I could have a talk with her and we went to have a chat. She was nasty and almost verbally aggressive towards me, making me feel bad for feeling the way I do at work. I have asked about reducing my hours at work to help me cope a bit better - she demanded to know how that was going to help me!!! She also asked how long for - I tried to explain to her that mental illness is not something that just mends overnight but she says she doesn't really understand what I feel like as she has never suffered with it. Whilst I totally understand that, she could still be supportive and understanding. To cut a long story short I ended up bursting into tears - something that is unheard of for me to do. Infact I have never cried at work or in public in my life before so I must have felt pretty bad. She just stared at me like I was some kind of freak! So instead of making me feel better, my boss has managed to make me feel guilty and pathetic - so much for support at work eh!

Just needed to get it off my chest as it has really upset me

Megan x