This summer will be 2 years that i have had this light headed off balance feeling, I've had many tests and seen many doctors and nothing ever has been found.

I know i have anxiety issues because i have most of the common symptoms that come and go and change from week to week. However this light headedness feeling is pretty constant and the worst symptom i have ever had and unlike all my other symptoms this one stays! It's been so bad that i am wanting to go back to the doctors again for the hundred time, i just can't cope.

I honestly think and feel like i am dying. This scares the heck out of me, i just want to feel good again even for a day just to know i can still feel that way!

Although over the 2 years of dealing with this i have had good days and sometimes weeks of feeling good and even days where i felt great! But at this point its pretty bad and i'm again thinking its the end of the world and that i might be dying :(

Everyone is sick of hearing what i have to say and just shrugs it off and then says it's all in my head and that i am making up these feels for attention.. These feels are real and they are no fun.. I dont wish them on my worst enemy..

Any suggestions or coments would be great, thanks..