Hi again,
I am one for worrying about nothing, but there are the odd days i think im not gonna make it. My PAs have been getting better until today, it was a night-mare, i was sat at the computer playing a game, and all of a sudden i got a shiver up my spine, and felt really sick, then i started panicking and i couldn't stop, the sickness got worse, and i was on my own in the house, i didn't know wot to do, i tried phoning my nan, but the line was busy, I panicked even more then, but the line was only busy because she was trying to ring me but i didn't know that, i felt so scared on my own, i finally got in touch with nan, and i managed to get down-stairs a was there lying on the sofa till Jessi (sister) got home, i was on the phone to nan all the time, i was starting to feel better, by the time mum got home i was fine, but when it came to eating dinner i couldn't, my heart hadn't stopped racing for about 3 hours now, i was lying on the sofa for a good 6 hours before i came up-stairs to come on here, im still abit panicky as i write, i feel sick in the stomach, i didn't wot to do!
Has anyone been all alone while having a PA? Had no-one to turn to, had no-one to comfort you? it was so scary i didn't think i was gonna make it, im gonna go to bed now as its 11:42pm and maybe sleep will sort it out, it usually does, i wake up fine, its just the way i felt then, and the way i feel now, i just want it to go away it won't, im going on holiday on Monday i don't want my PAs to ruin it, it already causes enough trouble in my life, it could be worse, but its already getting to much for me, i am writing this trying not to cry, i'm just so sick of them, they're ruining my life, but there's no cure!
HELP! I really need to learn to except it!

Chaz xx
14 female

Dont let little things get you down, make the most of life