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Thread: Panic attack?

  1. #1

    Panic attack?

    Hi, I'm new to the site and not sure if I am having panic attacks (I've never had them before) or am ill.
    For the last week I've had a headache and dizziness pretty much all the time. My head is throbbing and I've got ringing in my ears. Several times a day I get a head rush and feel like I'm going to pass out, and my heart feels like it's about to stop (sometimes when I'm dropping off to sleep, sometime at random times in the day). I also feel weak down my left side, particularly in my left hand.
    I saw the doctor on Monday and she thinks I'm stressed, but I really don't feel stressed!! However I keep on crying because I'm now really stressed about my symptoms, and worried that there's something wrong with me! Reading the info on the site I now wonder if I'm having anxiety attacks, but I wondered whether they can last such a long time and be there pretty much constantly! If it is anxiety, when will it go away?? Hope someone can help me!! Thank you! Ali

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Panic attack?

    Hi Ali

    If you don't feel satisfied that the last doctor checked you over properly, I'd make an appointment to see another doctor.
    But with regards to anxiety, it's best to first get checked for physical problems, and if you then get a clean bill of health, it's probably emotional.
    Now emotional problems don't only effect your muscles, like in trembling. Emotional problems effect your cardiovascular system, your blood chemistry, and a whole host of other things, so that's why you get all these physical symptoms due to your emotions. The good news is, that though you might feel these physically symptoms, they can't hurt you and you can prevent them if you learn certain techniques to calm the mind, as well as your body.

    I learnt meditation and self-hypnosis a long time ago - It really does work. For instance. I had to have wisdom tooth out some time ago. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, so I did my meditation thing while in the waiting room. The problem was, I over did it and fell asleep . But when it came to having the tooth out, I did the same, and it never bothered me bit, even though there where three people on the job - two of them holding my bottom jaw, so the dentist didn't dislocate it .


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Panic attack?

    hiya and welcome i would agree with tom that if in doubt get checked out properly for yr own peace of mind and if all ok then u know its anxiety related and there are things u can do to help with that, but u will get lots of support here and these things are very common, dont worry xxxxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Panic attack?

    Hi Ali

    It does sound like anxiety, coz i get most of them symptoms.

    love mandie x

  5. #5

    Re: Panic attack?

    Hi, thanks so much for your replies, it's really good to know there's people out there who understand! I hadn't realised that anxiety could last so long and be so severe, I thought it came and went in short doses.

    I think I will go back to see another doctor just to be sure (they will prob be sick of the sight of me!) as it's really affecting everything I do at the moment - I keep having to leave work early as I can't cope....

    Great to know there are people here to help though - thanks so much again! Ali

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