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Thread: Missed heartbeats!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , USA.
    Fellow Scardey Cats

    I get these almost daily some days more than others. I have had irregular hearts beats and flutters for a couple years and it still freaks me out. I have them when I am moving and more often when I am still. I also gets light dizziness with them at times. I almost feel like the flutter moves up from my heart into my face and lightly takes my breath away. Does that sound familiar? Also have quite a bit of tightness and even heaviness in my heart area.



  2. #32
    Join Date
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    , , USA.

    I think you are the first person I have heard of who also has them first thing in the morning. This is especailly frightening because I think*here I am having heart problems and Im not even doing anything must be bad ....perhaps Ill die in my sleep soon* Good to know this may be common anyone else experience these as you wake? Also can someone post the link to the eptopic beats? I have yet to read it but am always reassured to know that I am not alone.


  3. #33
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    There you go mate.

    Love Piglet

    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    I wake up in the morning with eptopic beats, and go to bed with them ..i have fluttering,thuds,flips,spins... you name it.. actually at times it feels like i have a tiny tiny washing machime in my chest and my heart jumps in it .. yeah sometimes to have its wash.and it feels like my heart is getting thrown around the washing machine..

    I have had 5 days eptopic beats free,just a few flutters here and there..what with all my other symtoms from my medication i dont need them to show thier ugly face either..

    eptopic beats..i cry when you cry


  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi everyone,

    I've had these strange 'flutters', missed beats, irregular beats since I was 18 (now 38). They first started about a year after my dad died suddenly from a heart attack. At first I was convinced I was going to drop dead too...and went on to have full blown panic attacks where I couldnt even go into the garden without thinking I was going to die. The doctor said it was stress (I moved away from home and started a new job a couple of weeks after my dad died....and hated every minute). Thing was I didnt feel particularly stressed till I started having them!

    Eventually I got through that and they settled down until my older brother suddenly died too from heart problems and then they were back full force. I was pregnant at the time which seemed to make them worse. I had ecg's etc but was told they were 'normal' ectopics, common in people my age.

    They settled down again until last year when I was under real pressure both at work and home and ended up going off with stress/ depression. I must admit at times they do really scare me, but I've had them for so long and nothing terrible has happened so far so I kind of use that to talk myself round. In fact they kind of give me a warning sign that I'm starting to feel under pressure.

    I also suffer them at odd times....during the night, first thing in the morning, during the day....but strangely never during exercise.

    Propanolol really helped but I stopped that when I started feeling better, but as we speak I am considering going back to my GP, to ask if I can go back on them as I feel myself getting really anxious again.

    Dont know if this is any use to anyone but thought I'd share it anyway. I know how frightening it can be.

    Take care everyone

    Coni X

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , USA.
    Hi Piglet,
    I too am plagued by the skipped beats although at this point I also refer to them as thuds or shuddering as well
    I do not think they are palps as that would be very fast beating
    It is more for me like thud, shudder, or flip flop sensation
    Immediately afterwards or in fact as it is occuring, I get a feeling of released adrenaline- do not know if it is because I am fearul of the sensation or if the fearfulness causes the sensation. I would have to say the sensation comes first. I alos get right away a tightness in the throat and that tightness lasts for a good bit.
    I can get a lot of them- for a spell it seems that i was having them for days and weeks at a time
    They can occur out of nowhere meaning I was not feeling anxious or frightened prior to it occuring ,well, at least not on a conscious level
    Of all the anxiety symptoms I have had they are the most scarey and annoying
    I would take the lightheadeness, inability to take a deep breath etc over the heart thingys in a minute
    I went about two months ago or so for an echogram as the doc thought he heard mitral valve prolapse- I did not have it and he said the test was all normal
    Ok says I then why do I get these sensations?
    If I recall correctly I think it was you who posted that you had the heart things and then they went away for a long time only to return. Ditto for me, Piglet. Do they think we miss them? LOL. I should post a No Vacancy sign on myself.
    I think too for folks like us they continue due to a heightened sense of awareness of them- I got them a lot in the evenings when I got into bed thus now whenever I get into bed I am rather on guard- soooo being on guard certainly does not make one relaxed.
    I wonder too if you or anyone else that experiences these heart things also feels a need to cry when they occur? That is the case for me.
    I think too that a lot of this and with anxiety in general is a result of pent up anger and being people pleasers.
    You are welcome to PM me anytime about this
    Us " skippys" ( as in missed beats- LOL) gotta stick together
    Hugs from across the pond,


    " I 've developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi to all, I am new here but unfortunatley not new to panic attacks and anxiety. I have been reading with interest piglets messages and the replies, I thought, hope this information might help. I am a 48 year old male, VERY happily married with the BEST two children in the world ever. I have had anxiety and panic attacks for over 18 years, I was seeing the Doctor almost every week at first convinvced I had cancer, heart failure in fact you name it I had it. I have been in the last ten years, a Local TV Presenter, working LIVE in front of camera, I have run a succesful Recording Studio, past my driving test first time, had two children, well I was involved at some stage!!, am Now running my own very succesful business and am in the middle of moving both house and business, and as I type, I am missing heart beats, there is a lump in the lower part of my throat, I have wicked wind ' around the heart ! I have just walked to my Bank up a steep hill and checked my heart almost every step. This has been going on for 18 Years, and guess what I am still here, it gets better with time, acceptance and a little relaxation. MANY MANY things, in fact EVERY THING is acheivable when you are anxious or panicky. Think I don't have it as bad as you? yep me too, I thought no one could possibly be going through what I go through, or at least was going through, how could any one understand? how could I tell any one? Then I realised, hey what do I care what they who ever they are? think! I am me, I am proud of who I am and damn proud I am going through this and as I do learning so much more about myself and others than those who have never experienced this ever could. So I told people, I didn't take out an ad in the Local paper but started to share my feelings, worries etc with others, You will be amazed at how many people we all think 2" oh if only I could be like them, strong, comnfident etc" well YOU ARE, Exactly like them, talk to these people and you will be amazed, truly amazed at how many also 'suffer' maybe the same as you or in different ways, they didn't dare tell any one simply because they are so strong brave and confident, we all suffer to lesser and greater degrees, trust me on this no one here is alone, no one here is unique and no one is worse than any one else, and this is important, there are more of 'us' out there than you will ever think. I have weeks, months when nothing happens, and then bang, missed heart beats, racing heart what ever, I reach for my Claire weeks books, I highly reccomend these, have a read and like to think I take strength knowing " it's only my nerves messing about again, it happened over 10 years ago and I am still here....." bUt as we all know the time between 'sessions' takes it's toll on our memory and when having a 'session' it seems so new and fresh and hard to deal with, as the shirt says " same sh_t differnet day" and that is all it is. I will stop writing war and peace and just add this, I have had these feelings on and off big and small for 18 years, I have achieved, I am happy, I am healthy and I am still here. And that my friends is YOU every single one of you can/will/have coped, seen it through laughed at it and forgotton it, you will again, and next time the bogy man can't scare you quite as much until like me you end up writing a LONG LONG essay to friends you dont know but wish the very best to here. Take care all, and remember it ain't no big thing. learn from it, even dare I say come to like it, because when you do It's going away.


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Well thankyou for your kind words of surport chris,i think thats just what we all want to hear on this forum.
    I have been suffering with eptopics since december but in the last few weeks they seem to have gone.And guess what im having a heart monitor in june!They wont find any of the bu...gers.
    S..ds law ahh xxxxx

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Funny that! I'm waiting for an appointment to be fitted with an event monitor and guess what? Yep, mine stopped about a week ago!

    Shiv x

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Smashing post Chris - thanks for that!!

    I was having them badly again a month or so ago and now they have calmed right down again. I seem to be handling them better with the passing of time however if I do get a good long gap between it can give me a new shock when it happens. It takes having a firm word with myself before I can 'accept' them.

    Piglet xx

    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

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