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Thread: Just when I thought things had FINALLY improved ..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Just when I thought things had FINALLY improved ..

    ..... or an excuse for another rant.

    As many of you will know from reading my success stories over the last few months, I really am "onwards and upwards". I have done more things in the last 60 days than I had for most of last year. And the vast majority of them were done without any (or very minimal) freaking out.

    Work is ok. I'm getting myself sorted financially, I have first refusal on a new build house, hopefully ready this autumn, my depression finally seems to be lifting (although I'm still taking the Prozac), I'm riding regularly again, I'm hopefully going to be competing again by the end of the season, I have discovered the reason for my weight gain and am therefore able to do something about it. I'm doing extra CBT to sort out my last few problems. In fact, life is just fine and dandy. Until .......

    Ages ago, I had a few problems, specific only to ladies, which I don't really need to go into detail about. Anyway, I had to have two operations, and was declared "cured".

    This January, my three yearly reminder came through. Having had a bit of a scare several years ago, I am very diligent about going and having regular checks when due.

    So I rang the surgery and asked to make an appointment with my GP. Eva Braun on reception informed me that doctors no longer DO that sort of thing, and I should make an appointment with the practice nurse, which I duly did. She was a very nice lady, asked about my history, so I told her my problems, and also the fact that there was often difficutly getting a good enough sample. She took two tests, and used an implement of medieval torture to take the second, thus ensuring (hopefully) that one if not both of them would provide the required information.

    Obviously as Unlucky is my middle name, she was not successfull, and I had to return for further delvings. I phoned the surgery and Eva informed me that I had to a. wait three months and b. make sure it was at the correct interval in my cycle. Now it may come as some surprise to Ms Braun, but I actually have an A Level in English, and had absolutely no problem reading the instructions issued from the local Health Authority. In fact Eva was starting to p**s me off quite a lot by this point.

    Anyway being a decent law abiding citizen, I adhered to Evas instructions, and phoned three months later. However, this time, I just asked for an appointment, and refused to say what it was for.

    I went to my favourite GP, who said, "Oh the nurse usually does that". Yes I know - I've been through it already once, but she wasn't successfull, and you have never taken a test and NOT got a result first time. She was really pleased that I had so much faith in her ability, but was not quite so impressed when I let it slip she is known locally as The Butcher.

    Anyway, she went to commence the procedure (why do you not pay attention to your undies in the morning? I was wearing a particularly attractive pair of white cotton, that had accidentally got in the washer with a new pair of black jeans. I should have paid more attention to my gran when she used to warn me about being knocked over by a bus).

    Anyway, after a brief look, she informed me that I had problems which meant a referal to the Hospital!!

    I HATE hospitals. I've only had to go four times in my entire life - that works out as once a decade. I particularly have a "thing" about the one that I shall have to go to. On the floor above where I will be seen is the ward where my gran died. I am trying very hard NOT to think about it, but I suppose that it is natural to be concerned - gran died of ovarian cancer, as did her mother, and I know that there is a genetic pre-disposition to it.

    The other reason I don't want to go is the people there (not the staff, they were great, but the other patients).

    The first time I went, my dad was sitting with me in the waiting room. We were doing a crossword and trying to work out where the photo of a local view had been taken.

    Just then a middle aged lady walked in wearing holey three quarter length leggings, in that funny sh

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I thought it was funny hearing this story at the weekend but reading it is even funnier- glad you decided to post about it ..

    I wouldn't miss the hospital trip with you for anything....

    I shall come prepared for all eventualities

    Love and a big hug


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    What a story!! No wonder you hate hospitals. I hope that the tests go well and that the results go back ok. Good that you will have someone with you as that always helps!! Let us know how you get on..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
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    I don't want to laugh at your misfortune at all but you actually made me laugh aloud! You really should write a novel! On a serious note, good luck with the next hospital visit-lets hope its not quite so eventful for you!

    Em x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    i have to say first i am also very sorry for the traumatic experience u suffered and have to come but oh my god did u make me wet my pants. Its true u know i spend my hours reading funny and trashy novels (not meaning ur story in the same context) and the way u write is both hilarious and fantastic. Its as good reading as any book i have read and while i feel for u, u put a smile on my face. we need more of your messages, free laughs and serious issues (hopefully not at ur expence though!) xxxxx

    beth xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    When Charlie needed us, we got these sorts of posts most days ...You could search back in her previous postings. The one about the ex boyfriends is well worth ressurecting.

    We have advised her about writing a book lots of times - she's too busy now shes found her wings again..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi guys

    Actually, I just don't get chance to log on as much as I did. Now I'm self employed I actually have to work for a living, instead of e-mailing Lucky all day and going on line to post on the forum.

    Life sucks

    I am seriously thinking about doing a diary, sort of Anne Frank style, about my recovery, but without the attic and the Germans obviously (the Germans can be blamed for a lot of things, including worsening my depression by making me redundant the day after I had my horse put down, but blaming them for my condition in full is probably going a bit too far).

    I think that the reasons my rants are funny is cos I don't write them down first, I just rant, and they come out how I'm thinking.

    I can't remember the boyfriend one Meg, so I think I might have to go back and look it up. Is it possible to print off things that you have posted in the past? I didn't know that. I do remember that the contact lens thief and the dentist both got some laughs. (Beth - I'm afraid my funny stories are ALWAYS at my expense!!!)

    I think that if you can try and laugh about it, then it seems a bit more bearable somehow. Thats how I look at it anyway.

    When my appointment comes through, I can laugh at you laughing at me laughing at my misfortune, and it sort of makes things better somehow. (Although I'm stil not following Mrs Leggings into a room, single use disposable sterile equipment, or no single use disposable sterile equipment. It's just not an option)

    Thanks for your comments.



    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there
    I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...........take care.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Charlie

    Blimey I've only been away a few weeks and all this has happened. Your tale did make me laugh too. I just so love hearing from you and you certainly do have a way of telling a story.

    Hope all goes ok at the hospital next time, let me know when your going.



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I missed this first time round so sorry for not replying!!

    As usual that was a fab story and had me in stitches.[8D]

    I hope it all goes well and Meg kicks arse if need be!!

    I am hoping to come to Alton Towers - just waiting to confirm that I am not working that day (at night).

    I loved the dentist post the most.

    Yes you can print them off - they are all stil on here for everyone to read.



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