hiya ..anxiety rules my life at the mo not just affects it ......every min of every day is based around my anx and its drivin me crazy ......in my youth I was out wiv m8s all tym havin a laff and hadnt a care in the world .........now im scared 2 leave the house with out panikin all day ......even 2 pop across street will take a day of worry and panic ........and if i have people pop round i just panic and want 2 b on my own ......the only person im comfortable with is my daughter ...but i fight hard not 2 show her my anx but she a very cleva girl and piks up on things xxx

ive overherd her tellin her m8s my mom goes dizzy if it gets hot .....bless cus thats wot i always say wen havin PA ...x

its hard but im hoping 2 get through it ....sumhow xx