a week ago I hurt my back at lower end of ribs and everytime I move wrong way i get a savage pain in my back and into left side of my ribs. I have done this before a few eyars ago on right side and it is agony until it mends itself - osteo told me it is caused by a facet joint moving out of line slightly.

anyway I also have a constant horrible ache under my left rib and on and off during the day I am getting bad nerve type pains under left rib and just left of centre at waist level.

These pains don't come at same time as the savage back pain that stops me in my tracks as I only get that if I move wrong.

MY Gp says the under rib pain is coming from my back injury but I am freaking out that it is from my stomach as I have been burping constantly and sometimes it seems as if when I first eat and the mouthful lands in my stomach I get the sharp pain but it goes way as I continue eating.

I have recently had bowel tests incl sigmoidoscpy and 3 wks ago colonsocoy and all normal so diagnosed with ibs . I had my appendix removed 6 mths ago because of abdominal pain and it was normal and surgeon had good look at everyting else including small bowel and all normal - hence the bowel tests and ibs diagnosis.

I last had endoscoy three and half years ago and I am desperate to ask my dr to send me for another one but have had so many tests recently I am sure she will roll her eyes and refuse.

Does anyone get constant burping with anxiety - I don't normally burp but I am so stressed about this constant ache/pains. I am sure the severe anxiety is not helping my back injury either.

Help what do I do