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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    Does anybody else here find that the weather and / or the time of year affects there mood??

    I always feel so much worse in winter. Rainy days, dark nights and lack of sunshine get me so down.

    Come the summer I find that my mood lifts and I actually enjoy getting up in the morning.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Hiya Diane,

    I believe there is a name for this Seasonal A(/) Disorder (SAD) so it must be quite common.

    Have you investigated getting your light box yet??

    Nice Things About Winter

    Lying in bed at night and listen to the wind and rain on your window and you are warm and cosy!!

    Coming in from the cold and having a warm cup of tea

    Snowball fights (or is that just me?)

    If I think of any more I will let u know!!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Yes the weather definitely has a negative/positive effect on me.

    I was really struggling to understand how I'd slipped a bit at my last CBT, then Amanda pointed out that we had suddenly lost the sun, and a lot of people do find their symptoms are worse during the winter.

    Then I didn't feel like I was loosing it again, and feel much better now!

    Don't think that I have SAD, but definitely feel better on cold sunny days. Particularly cold, snowy sunny days! Roll on the winter so I can get my tin tray out


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi diane,

    wot a great topic,just up my street ,i could talk about this forever,and i probably will!

    from a personal point of view,..ime definately seasonal,autumn and winter,i seem to go into my shell,i lack some confidence on a social level,i finish work,and i just want to go home,and stay there...god help anyone who phones me,and tries to sell something...from a jehovas witness,trying to save me,to offering to enrich my non existent sex life,by trying to sell me black market viagra.trick or treaters are lucky not to get a firework up there arsx...nurses think ime a misery guts,cos i never go to the regular hospital one nite stand parties, xmas ime working,that way i dont have to walk the streets,shouting humbug,on top of my voice.

    now my birthday is mar 26(remember that)cos thats when i start ripping my clothes off..ime like a man whos been locked up for 20yrs,i look,and feel younger,i start looking around for my next victim lol..i smile at people,i say hello to them,and thats just the fellas lol..the sun is out ,its getting lighter,the skirts are getting shorter...yes,its good to be alive.

    please note,this is the shortened version lol...bryan.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I love the winter it is so cosy. Being warm inside when its cold out and hearing the rain at night on the window.

    Log fires at my mums cottage and a good excuse to drink loads -you have to keep warm![}]


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Willow. Just to tell you that I feel exactly the same about winter. It affects my mood a lot .
    I feel much lower in this season.
    Lots of love.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I am not a winter person but for me it does have some benefits. I am always too warm in the summer and it is much easier to get warm than it is to get cool. My aerobics classes are much better in the winter cos I am not sweating so much after the 1st 5 minutes of doing it!

    The downfalls are coming out of the swimming pool with wet hair (yes I know I should dry it) and feeling freezing cold. I hate driving in the snow, sleet, rain etc and I seem to leave for work in the dark and get home when it is dark.

    Roll on the spring.

    Bryan - you remind me of someone I know - he goes into hibernation over winter and won't even have sex with anyone till the next spring (glad I am not with him - lol)


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