Just wanted to know If anyone has had this done. Im so scared! I had a smear test last year and it showed abnormall cells. I had to go back to gp and have another smear which was ok I assume as I never heard anything back. I was homeless for a while and was in and out of accomadation with ds so wasnt settled anywhere but registered with a new gp.Because I had that abnormal result, I was due to have smears every 6 months. i got a letter from gp several months ago stating I was due for another smear but left it as I hate it. Everytime you sit in a gp or the ones I have been in have had big signs up about smear tests. I finally moved in april and registered with another gp. 5 months from when the reminder was sent I got another. I had the smear done in may and was away for a while visiting family as they live abroad and when I got back the letter was on the floor. I opened it and said i had abormal cells again so it needed to be investigated further. i have a appointment in 2 weeks for the colposcopy. Although I had a leaaflet explaining what will happen when I go, I dont quite understand it.Im not thick, well sometimes I am lol but just wanted to know if anyone has had it done and what exactly happens. Is it like a smear? i dont like it at all. Im dreading it. Then not long ago, Jade Goody was diagnosed with it. Is this a warning sign to say I have cervical cancer? I am paranoid as it is and think all sorts are wrong with me. Im so scared. I have no one to come with me. I hate hospitals, I dont like going out, I dont like public transport, i dont like much due to my anxiety and my panic attacks have got worse. I dont even know how to get to this place and I will end up having loads of panic attacks before i even leave the house. shall I just not go? I hate hospitals so much. It terrifies me that I will be given bad news. My dad and uncle both died from lung cancer and im scared of that too. Sorry for the long post. Thanks x