
Some of you have probably already tried this, but I have been reading 'Panic Away' and it has given me a really good technique to use, that works
It says that when you get a feeling of panic, especially when it gets to the point when you want to run away, just tell yourself that you're not scared and you want more. Keep asking for more panic. Say things like 'is that all you can give me, that's not even bad' and 'I can still breath, I can still walk, that's not bad enough, I want to feel worse'.

If you say these things to yourself it shows you that you're not scared, as the fear of having a panic attack is what causes them, so if you're not scared, then they have no reason to come.

I have tried doing this a couple of times and it really does work! You may still feel slightly anxious, but the fear isn't there so you don't panic anywhere near as bad Hope this helps some people!
