ive been on propanolol for nearly 2 weeks because i stated to feel anxious in the evenings which lead to being short of breath and panic attacks
the first week i felt fantastic, i was able to get to sleep within minutes of being in bed however im now in to my second week and its worse than ever.

my throat feels constantly swollen, but there is nothing wrong ...no pain , no visible swelling etc, very dry mouth, almost forcing any swallowing of saliva and feeling very anxious. this feels even worse at night when i lie down, i then become very restless and feel i cant swallow and breath. Obviously i can as im here to tell the tale but it doesnt make you feel very good at the time throat lol
ive been to 3 doctors in 48hrs about it and they have all said its anxiety and upped my dosage, but then i lost all sensation in my lips and throat.
has anyone else had similair siide effets and do they dissapear over the weeks.

i was put on these as i was scared of being unale to breath at night which caused the panick attacks but now im stuck in a visous circle as i start to panic becasue my throat is uncomfortably swollen.

any help would be fantastic!!!!