Hi Guys
Firstly let me say, i know people have skipped beatsetc beat i have just been the gym and every few beats is skipped a beat is registered sometimes i feel 2 or 3 extra beats, there must be about 15 dodgy beats per min and this has been goin on since last fri !
I had a ecg which was normal on fri but blood tests showed raised ck's bu tropopion was normal so i was told dont worryby the dr...dont worry every other beat is missed how can this be normal or safe !!! should i be in hospital ??

I am frightened to go the gym, go drinkin with my mates or even have caffeine. I don't know if i had damaged my heart in the past or not, my gp thinks its all a bit of a laugh and wont refer me to a cardiologist as two echograms where fine. I am in torment i feel like my life is over or is going to end any minute.
Everythig kicks them off caffeine chocolate most food drink training i can't win. Does anyone understand ?? I honestly feel like i am goin to crock it