Hiya Folks,

Was just curious to know how many people have read Claire Weekes books ? I have and they have helped me so much, and would like to know how many of us have read them and if they found them helpful, or just put them down to being " just another self help book !"

For me i found the books fantastic, very easy to understand and read, i related far better to Claire Weekes books more than any of the others i have read, and i have read a lot.

I have also at desperate times invested in the Charles Linden Method, helped me for a short time, but would never do it again, i dont agree with this method at all. But i can see it could maybe work for others.

Be good to hear of your comments on Claire Weekes and other methods that have been tried, and if they were succseful or made you worse.

Thanks everyone for taking part take care