hello everyone, i suffer from health anxiety, but i am scared of going the doctors or anything to do with me because i get so anxious, its funny really because i work in a hospital as an auxilliary nurse, i got checked out when i was 28yrs old because i kept complaining of a funny flutter in my chest so i had an ecg and my doctor said i had to go for further tests, i had a chest xray, heart scan, ecg, 24hr tape, and then what i can laugh at now is when i looked at my chest xray i could see a white shadow so i said to the nurse oh no i have got cancer, the consultant said do you want the good news or the bad, and he started laughing and said that was my heart oh how stupid am i ha ha, oh what a relief, anyway they diagnosed ventricular ectopics, they dont bother me that much, anyway i think i have always worried about my health because i can remember being in the junior school and always thinking i couldnt breath, anyway when i was 29yrs old i was working in the hospital then, just been through a bad split up and i wasnt well going into work so they took my blood pressure and my pulse was 150bpm so they sent me home and i had to call the doctor but when he knew what my pulse was he thought i was going into af, which is atrial fibrillation so i panicked had to get an ambulance, oh i thought i was dying, anyway it was a kidney inf, i got over that went back to work and had a panic attack went home and was anxious all the time, couldnt stop thinking of my heart going fast so it stayed fast all the time, had a bad time, eventually with help from no panic and i went private to see a cardiologist and had more tests, another heart scan and 24hr tape i settled for abit, my anxiety isnt as bad as it was but i get twinges of it, if i let it it would come back, i am so fixated on my heart i dont focus on anything else, i know abit about the heart and i could reasure anybody else but not myself, if anybody would like to chat my email address is buttonsj@hotmail.co.uk.