Last night, I had a terrible panic attack and I'm feel really bad today. We'd just about finished dinner (I'd had some salmon and a salad), and then I had a piece of parsley which felt like it got stuck in my throat and just wouldn't go down. Then I had some water and it felt even worse. Cue massive panic attack.

Earlier in the day, I had eaten some melba toast which had also got a bit stuck, but which had gone down with some water.

Anyway, I managed to go to sleep, but woke up this morning with the same feeling. I can't eat anything and even when I drink water, I feel like it can't get it past this great lump, my throat sort of gurgles and itsort of half-regurgitates. I keep tasting bile in my mouth as well.

I'm so frightened. I don't know whether to go to the doctor, whether it's acid reflux, or whether it is "just" globus hystericus, or whether it's something much more sinister.

In the middle of dinner, my in-laws had suddenly came round, which I wasn't expecting and my father-in-law told us that he'd been to the doctors for his anxiety, which I hadn't realised he had. Then everyone started talking about mine. After they left, I had the panic attack. Could that have sparked a globus incident?

If it is globus, would it last throughout the night to the next morning? And would it produce these symptoms?

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere....
