I am extremely angry with my husband and feel he is directly responsible for a panic attack last night after we fought. I have barely slept at all last night.

First of all, we were arguing about sex. Let me tell you that although I have had no sex drive for about 6 months now, I still do things twice a week just to make him happy. Well, twice a week isn't good enough for him and he wants more. I have told him time and time again that I have no desire and also that I have been very tired. I was considering compromising with him, then in a few minutes he came back into the bedroom. He got in bed and then asked me if I had sprayed bug spray on myself. (this is an OCD-type thing I do occasionally because I have a phobia of ticks) I said yes and then he asked, "are you being weird again?" Well, I lost it when he said that. It's like he just doesn't get it. First he has to hound me about the sex thing and then he trivializes me by asking if I'm "weird."

I came downstairs,he eventually apologized, but I had a big time panic attack complete with DP/DR and shakiness that I'm still going through.

I really just wanted to vent but if anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it.