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Thread: feeling tired all the time

  1. #1

    feeling tired all the time

    Ok i dont know what is wrong with me but im always tired. As soon as i wake up in the morning im tired. I usually go to bed around 3-4am and wake up around 12-1 pm so i get around 9-10 hours of sleep everyday. But when i wake up its like i havent slept in few days. By almost 6-7 im just so tired that i just cant stand up i have to go and lay on bed. I try not to sleep a lot so that i can go to sleep early at night but i just cant and i pass out and end up sleeping for 1-2 hours. Then when i wake up my whole body is numbed and my hands feel weak and tired. My body is like tired. I feel like i have been exercising for ages without getting a rest. And all i do during the day is eat, sit behind the computer. I dont do anything but im always tired. Am i the only one thats like this?

  2. #2

    Re: feeling tired all the time

    Happens to me too, especially in the summer when my unemployed bum just sits around all the time.
    However, i have been going to the gym lately and it seems to help. I think the tiredness may be mental as well as physical, both from the level of anxiety i feel a lot, even if i'm not aware of it, i'm sure my body is.
    I would get some more exercise, try to calm down as best you can before bed, by doing some relaxing activities, maybe a shower, reading, etc.
    Sometimes i don't get very good sleep due to nightmares or just general anxiety.
    good luck, let me know how it goes!

  3. #3

    Re: feeling tired all the time

    Your not the only one i have also had the tired feeling all the time, i be in bed late at night and be up in day at 3-5. For about a week i went to be about 9-10 and i was to set my alarm at 9 in the morning, i done this for a week and i feel much better now..

  4. #4

    Re: feeling tired all the time


    i also feel tired all the time, actually i could say more like exhausted, somtimes i feel like crying because of how tired i feel and just dont want to get out of bed, but dont have a choice coz im a single mum to 3,
    i have a nap during the day when they r sleeping but feel worse when i wake up, but then if i dont have a nap i get snappy and dont have any patience coz so tired, then im up till a silly time at night coz cant sleep, even when im not that tired i have no motivation what so ever, if i see a mess i think, ill clean that up later, and usally forget lol,
    sorry i cant give you any advice, im kinda new to this myself and have no idea how to sort my sleep out, but just wanted you to know that you are not alone, i find quite a few people with anxiety suffer from this, hope thats some comfort for you to know you are not alone,

    all the best

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: feeling tired all the time

    I was exactly like you for a good 10 years. I would go to bed around 2:30 - 3:00am take hours to get to sleep and waking all through the night and then literally drag myself out of bed at 1pm. I was so tired i would then go back to bed at 2pm and sleep until 4pm. I was constantly tired all day and only becoming "awake" around 9pm. When i went for CBT, one of my homework tasks was to go to bed at 10pm and get up at 8am. After only two days, my body clock got completely used to it, i was actually tired and ready for bed by 10pm and was sleeping right through the night and automatically waking early and ready to start the day full of energy. That was seven years ago and im still sticking to it. In fact, i couldnt sleep past 9am even if i tried

    Have you also had your thyroid checked??

    Mabelina xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: feeling tired all the time

    You need to get a body clock routine going on.

    Going to bed at that time is NOT good.

    Go to bed at the latest 11pm and stay in bed regardless. Then get up at 9am if not earlier despite how tired you are.

    Get back into a routine and let your body go to bed earlier and get up earlier.
    It is proven to work trust me

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  7. #7

    Re: feeling tired all the time


    I feel tired all the time too. I sometimes spend a whole day just napping and sitting around. Sometimes I feel like its because I use energy worrying and this gives me lack of motivation. So when I try to think positively and make plans to do something in the future I become less tired and more enthusiastic. You could try doing this, find something to be enthusiastic about, something that will make you want to get off the couch. Exercise could also help. Exercising releases endorphins which make you feel happy and give you more energy. Finding a sport could be the answer, perhaps a team sport would be best so the other players can give you motivation.

    Hope this helps. x

  8. #8

    Re: feeling tired all the time

    Hi, Yes as Nicola has already said the routine thing is paramount. Bath with lavender oil, horlicks or camomile, and a book may help you get off to sleep earlier.Maybe try forcing yourself to get out for a walk when you start to feel sleepy during the day. Routine and exercise should get you out of the trap you have fallen into.Good idea to arrange bloodtest with doc to test for thyroid probs, please let us now how you get on x

  9. #9

    Re: feeling tired all the time

    To much sleep isnt great for you either, the ideal is between 6-8 hours. like others have said get yourself into a good routine and stable sleep pattern, go to bed earlier and maybe set an alarm to wake u.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: feeling tired all the time

    I'm the same. I got to bed at 11.00pm and get up around 8.30am. I never feel like I've had any sleep though as I can never wake up. I spend my day in a haze and if I try and get active like going into town I just feel worse when I come home and tend to fall asleep. I feel just as bad when I do a physical activity than when I don't.

    I went to the Dr about it last week and had blood tests checking my thyroid (because I'm having hot flushes as well and I'm only 29), liver, kidneys etc and they all came back normal. Not sure what is wrong with me but just want some energy

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