Hello fellow sufferers! I have been a fan of this site since I started experiencing panic attacks in February - it has been my saviour!

Since my first attack on the tube it has been hell on earth for me. My mum suffered with them when she was my age and I never understood what was going on and thought she was mental! Little did I know....

Recently I have been so much better due to Hypnotherapy, which has helped me to a certain extent but still cant stop the thought processes of 'I am going to die this minute' and constantly! I am in the process of trying to get CBT through the NHS but we all know its like trying to draw blood out of a stone!

Some of the symptoms I am experiencing are lump in the throat, random sensations throughout my body which of course is cancer of some sort (varies daily!), dizzyness along with some sleepness nights in fear that I wont wake up!

The sypmtoms dont bother me as much as the thoughts I have, mainly 'There has never been anything wrong with me/I have a great partner and family so my luck is due to run out anytime'...this is where I need help.

If anyone has figured out how to stop these thoughts please respond!

Look forward to chatting with you!