hi folks

hope you are all ok i am writing this message to ask if anyone can shed some light on nicotine and anxiety.i have had anxiety for the best part of 14 on and off i am on citalopram at the moment 20mg and i am having a flare up of anxiety (again!!!!!).the question i want to ask is that i have been quit smoking for 3 months now and i have been taking niquitin cq lozenges 4mg like sweets basically,because i smoked so heavy ive been consuming 15 to 20 a day the reccomended dose is 9.before i started these my anx was ok but this is the third time i have quit smoking now and this has happened.on each occasion i have quit smoking my anxiety has gotten bad around the 10-12 weeks of quitting.also i notice also that i didnt start smoking till i was 18 i am 30 now and i didnt really get bad symptoms of anxiety until about 19 and ive had it ever since.i know this has been mentioned before how nicotine is no good for anxiety i just wonder if i should stop the nicotine lozenges so i have no nicotine in my system whatsoever would it helps my anx any.

