Hi all,

I am feeling very down at the moment about my new fear - choking... it all started about 3 weeks ago when I ate a large piece of steak and it seemed to stick in my throat ( in my oesphegus - not windpipe for the record!). I frantically started drinking water and trying to clear my throat and cough. it went away after about 3 hours. I think it may have gone before that but it psychologically felt like it was still there..

Since then I have become obsessed about choking when i eat. Suddenly 90% of my normal foods are off limits. I am living off yoghurt, protein shakes and odd things like cheese cake. I normally eat very well, and now all food is filling me with horror and I cough/grunt/puff my way through anything like a cracker/biscuit. It feels like everything is about to go down my windpipe. i find myself breathing all funny when i eat and taking huge deep breaths between mouthfulls to make sure that i can still breathe.

This reallly is one of the worst anxiety symptoms i have ever had to deal with.. i am now really thin and suffering from headaches/tiredness due to my crap diet....what can i do to stop this..anyone else ever overcome this? or am i destined for a life of baby food and cheesecake?..will i really think about this every day for the rest of my life?