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Thread: Just started taking Mirtazapine

  1. #11

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    My doctor put me on mirtazapine for my panic attacks and depression and to be honest I wish i never had started them. I have been off them now for 2 weeks and i'm in absolute hell with withdrawel from them i feel as if i am completely back to square one. Does anyone have any idea how long these naty withdrawel symptoms will last as i feel terrible. Mirtazapine did work for the two years i was on them but i put on 2 stone in weight which is rapidly coming off again now i've stopped taking them they made me have mood swings i would shout at my partner for no reason i was irrational and i belive although they relieved my panic attacks they have toatally messed my head up. My advice to anyone taking these is to be careful with them because when you try and stop them you will go through absolute hell and i even used a taper regime with them.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    robbie1971 that really scares me coz I intend at the very 1st opportunity to get off these bloody tablets but Ill do it slowly. I hate them and sometimes wish I'd never started them because Im definately not the same sociable patient person I used to be . My good days are getting more, my bad days less (started week before xmas) and my anxiety n shakey hands are lessening so thats the positives. My gripe is my temper. Im STILL mega irritable and really intolerant and angry all the time. Anger is my worst issue coz its ruining my relationship with my 9 yr old daughter coz naturally kids always test Mums limits!Thats their job!I don't want to be a SHOUTY Mother like I am at the moment!The weight thing, well I'm dealing with that now as Ive gone from doing no exercise to exercising 4 sometimes 5 days a week for an hour and I'm eating more healthy. Its SO beneficial I cant promote it enough!It was hard to do something about it though but the sweet cravings are lessening too so I'm feeling less sluggish!So good to follow pacman's diary. Makes me feel human coz I understand what hes going through.We will get through this!

  3. #13

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    I have started taking mirtazapine started on the 45mg dose and have been on them for 7 days now i am still feeling realy anxious, finding it hard doing my everyday duities all i want to do is sleep i feel like a zombie.....i have 4 children and a job to hold down should i continue with the mirt or should i stop.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    imp3rf3ctiknow, I'd say continue but only take advice on whether you should stop or not from the doctor! If its causing problems with work then you must go see your doc, there are plenty of other less drowsy drugs to try. Your reaction sounds normal this early on. I felt worse and its only recently (some 5 weeks since) its getting better.Why such a high dose though? I was prescribed a straight swap from 30mg citalopram to 15mg mitazapine, 15mg being what most people start on as its the minimum.Can you give more detail?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    I have recently gone up to 45mg of mirtazapine. I have been taking it for five days. I have had mirtazapine previously and withdrawn from it. The withdrawals were horrendous and I needed valium to get me through it. The panic attacks were horrible. I felt as if my flesh was creeping. Saying that it has relieved my depression. I also have lost the weight that I gained whilst on it the first time. I have maintained my weight loss. I am still struggling with getting off to sleep and irritability. I also have a feeling or low threshold to any type of stress. The drowsiness will cease after a few weeks as your body adjusts to the drug. The withdrawals will also stop but they might continue for the next couple of weeks. I did go back onto a drug when I knew I had had such a terrible time withdrawing from it in the first place.

  6. #16

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    Hi All
    went back to the doctor today could not cope and she put me back on mirtazapine 15mg maintenance dose as my withdrawel from them was so bad. I took one last night slept like a baby and feel so much better today. These tablets do cause bad withdrawel symptoms and i wish i had never started them because i really think now that's it i will have to be on them for ever and a day as i am not going through the withdrawel of them again. Like i said in previous post they do work eventually for panic and depression but coming off them is living hell and i could not stress enough to anyone if you can avoid these tablets then possibly discuss an alternative with your gp. I feel as if i have failed and even though i feel better today after taking one last night i feel sick in the stomach to the fact that i gave up and started taking them again.

  7. #17

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    hi, just looking for some advice really :S
    my names nicola, ive been on mitazipine for about 2 months (maybe 3) now and like all medications they work brilliantly at first but around about the 1month mark they seem to mess me up or just stop working. i love the sleep mitazipine gives me, could live without the hangover effect when i get up before it wears off, but generally fine. lately ive been getting really really angry and i cant work out why. I have been stressed due to exams coursework work money etc and was wondering if im angry because of the medication, angry cause im stressed, or both. i dont want to come off these yet, i need to be as stable as i can so i dont screw up college again. Has anyone else felt irrationably angry and tearful ? :S x

    *plus this is a last resort medication from my doctor as he's perscribed me lots of dif medication in past years
    Last edited by Lullacry; 22-01-10 at 21:05. Reason: forgot something

  8. #18

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    i realy dont know why my gp has started me on such a high dose 30mg ...i have been back to see him and he has said that with what i am suffering i.e depression and anxiety...i also witnessed a horrendous ordeal, which is giving me flash backs. That i should continue taking this dose and go back to see him in 3 weeks he is on about upping the medication to 45mg if i dont feel any better? i am just hoping that the medication will start setteling in the next few weeks i feel like i am drunk and finding everyday tasks a chore and hard work i will keep you posted thanks for your reply......

  9. #19

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    Thanks for all the replies everyone, we are all having completely different experiances with medication and im sorry to hear so many of you are struggling with the effects that mirtazapine is giving some of you.

    I too had an awful first few days, totally spaced out and very anxious, even to the point of not wanting to take them again (this was about day 4 i think). Im two weeks in now and they have lifted my mood a little and im coping with the drowsy feeling in the morning, finding that it wears off after a walk. My anxiety has definatley subsided but am finding some days are better than others.

    I feel its probably too early to decide what real effect they have had for mood/anxiety so im going to keep taking them and stay open minded.

    Ive found they dont mix particulary well with alcohol, Sleep like the dead, and wake up very tired ... so probably wont be doing that again...

    Some of the stories of withdrawl sound horrible, so will get some advice from the doctor before i start tapering them.

    I havent had any anger issues so far, so fingers crossed that wont be something that effects me.

    All the best

  10. #20

    Re: Just started taking Mirtazapine

    Day 13 - 15mg Feeling OK today, feel like the tablets are working - Keep telling myself its early days. Contstantly picking at food in the evening, Its funny as before i started taking these i went swimming a few times a week - dont feel like exercising at all at the moment (so havent done any!)

    Day 14 - 15mg Another OK day, some work stresses laid to rest so thinking more about the future...

    Day 15 - 15mg Am experiancing a more resilliant feeling now, work stresses are easier to deal with and mind isnt constantly going over one thing and worrying all the time. The early mornings are my low point, by about lunchtime i feel like my old self, evenings are mellow and relaxing. The morning thing starts to worry me a little, its like the old anxiety is creeping back in.

    Day 16 -15mg, Had a few comments today at work about the fact that I have lost weight - Im not underweight at all (probably average) But made me think that the last 6 months of worry must have taken there toll on me. For a few months i wasnt eating anywhere near as much as usual and exercising alot to combat the anxiety so must have lost some weight (hey its only a good thing) I hope i dont put it all back on with the constant picking. Mood feels average today, Not really up or down. . . Mornings are still a low point, but my mood soon improves

    Thanks for reading, keep up the comments,

    Best wishes everyone

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