I'm so proud of myself for finally going through with it. Without sedation which I thought I would end up doing.

I was so nervous but it really didn't take as long as I expected.

They numbed my throat and I freaked out a bit because at first it felt strange but after a few minutes I got used to it and calmed down. Then I just got on with it and was expecting 10 minutes of hell when really it was less than a minute and was just strange and uncomfortable.

They did a biopsy which I didn't notice. Didn't notice them putting air into my stomach either.

I also expected to feel like I was choking at some point but I didn't and I could breathe. Its just a case of slowing your breathing down and staying calm. Its over before you know it. No choking feeling at all. Afterwards the numbness wore off almost straight away and by the time I got home it was gone completely. A few big burps of what smells like Milton Sterilizing Fluid later and I was back to normal. Still have a bit of a sore throat and my glands feel a little swollen but they said everything looks fine apart from a little inflammation from reflux.

So for all those who are worried about having this done - I am the MOST nervous and anxious person in the world - but I got through it and I was fine. It really isn't as bad as you expect.