Can somebody PLEASE help me. I cannot take ANYMORE of this.
I just want to die, because everyday is SO unbearable.

My throat is SO TIGHT- it feels like my breathings actually gonna get cut off- Every breath is terrifying to take. (Imagine how many breaths I dread a day)- Im on edge every second of every day...
My throat walls feel like they are ON each other!!!!
ALSO......The back of my tongue feels big, and has loads of gunk on it constantly, and when I breathe it feels like my tongue restricts it... Its like the muscles in my throat and tongue have all gone really, really tight.

Whats causing this? Is it anxiety? Please help me, im SO uncomfortable and worried. I cant resume daily life without reassurance, because im terrified and nothing I do makes it stop. Just eating temporarily helps.

Please guys, help me..
This forum is my only hope.
Lots of love, Kash xxx