For the last few months when I play a computer game for longer than 20 mins or so, I get a weird feeling in my right ear which I can only describe as a 'cold' feeling. It's not a pulsating, but it does feel like the blood rushes to it. it's quite deep in my ear.

20 mins of a computer game, every single time I get this symptom, and I very rarely get it if I'm not playing a game.

Also, the last couple of weeks my right eye has started twitching quite a lot.

I'm not really that concerned about having a brain tumour because I know its very unlikely, plus I have more worrying symptoms like chest pain and palpitations on a daily basis, BUT it's a weird sensation and strange that computer games cause this. Ive googled it but nobody else in the WORLD seems to get this.

Can someone shed some light?
